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Alix T4LB07

Alix T4LB07

Alix T4LB07

Type: Asset: Bioroid
Cost: 1
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Faction Cost: 1
Place 1 power counter on Alix T4LB07 whenever you install a card.
[Click], [Trash]: Gain 2 [Credits] for each power counter on Alix T4LB07.
Set: Creation and Control Number: 008 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Diana Martinez
Recent Decks Using This Card:
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i suppose this is good for sitting in a protected server until it is protected enough to score an agenda in.

the more you protect the server, the more credits you bank.

i think Pad Campaign or Adonis Campaign fills that role better.
If you don't do many installs, this isn't worth much to cash in. But if you do get a lot of counters on it, then because the cash-in costs a click the runner can run it and trash it if you push your luck too far, and now you got nothing :(

I guess it could be a fun game to play to bait the runner into making an expensive run?
I'm looking at it this way; the Runner is either going to leave it alone in which case, free money! Or, they're going to come after it ASAP to prevent you cashing it in. Even if the latter happens, you haven't lost anything, because you haven't spent time and credits advancing it.

It's basically EtF for the non-EtF decks.
    • authenticait likes this
as long as your installing cards you wanted to install anyways, then there really isn't any cost to adding counters to this.
You'd want to keep this in a protected server, so it costs them if they want to trash it, but even with only 3 counters it's a okay payout.
I like it, sneak it into a server with some hideous piece of ice let the runner spend time and effort getting at this passive money earner, while you build up defences and create remotes then if he hasn't got at it cash in if he has you have a place to drop another money earner and keep him distracted!
When you install multiple things via one source (which is becoming a more common thing now), say from Shipment to Mirrormorph, do you get to 2 power counters by playing this as the first of the three? Or do they all hit the table at the same time?

When you install multiple things via one source (which is becoming a more common thing now), say from Shipment to Mirrormorph, do you get to 2 power counters by playing this as the first of the three? Or do they all hit the table at the same time?

Each install is separate, so I'd say Mirrormorph could net up to 3 counters on this one. Not a bad combo for a bit of cash, I'd say.
    • Icedman likes this
I really love this card ! With a well protected server, you put the runner in a lose/lose situation.
Run on my server and pay a click a some creds or let me make a lot of money after a couple turns...
Man, the wording on that flavour text strikes me as super awkward; wanna put some commas in there or rephrase.
    • theamazingmrg likes this

Each install is separate, so I'd say Mirrormorph could net up to 3 counters on this one. Not a bad combo for a bit of cash, I'd say.

No, because no counters accrue until the asset is rezzed and you're not allowed to rez the cards installed with StM until you're done installing. This follows from the ruling on the same situation with Amazon Industrial Zone, which can't rez the installed cards unless it's in place and rezzed before StM is played.

No, because no counters accrue until the asset is rezzed and you're not allowed to rez the cards installed with StM until you're done installing. This follows from the ruling on the same situation with Amazon Industrial Zone, which can't rez the installed cards unless it's in place and rezzed before StM is played.

Obviously. However, if Alix is installed on click 1 and rezzed, mirrormorph played on click 2 installing 3 cards (and giving Alix 3 counters), and Alix is trashed on click 3 you get 4 net credits and three installs, which is not a bad Corp turn at all.
    • Shuffletown likes this
This is a flavorful and fun card. I like it. 2 counters is break-even, three is hedge fund / rex campaign, and four are, of course, better.

I had 10 counters on this puppy in my remote server spam happy Jinteki deck.  MO MONEY MO MONEY MO MONEY.  

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