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Efficiency Committee

Efficiency Committee

Efficiency Committee

Type: Agenda: Initiative
Advancement Cost: 4
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Place 3 agenda counters on Efficiency Committee when you score it.
[Click], hosted agenda counter: Gain [Click] [Click]. You cannot advance cards for the remainder of this turn.
Agenda Points: 2
Set: Creation and Control Number: 005 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Jason Rumpff
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Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


Jul 24 2013 03:25 PM
Awesome... this will replace most the 2/4 Agendas (Private or Warfare) in mst HB decks.
couples well with the HB ambush archetype, since Install, Advance is likely your first move with this guy.

i have a problem selling any bluffs in my HB deck since i fast advance with Biotic Labor so frequently.
At first I had a hard time understanding how this was good, as the whole point of additional actions is fast advance. But since they don't really cost anything more than having a 4/2 in your deck, at worst it's 3 free credits...

i have a problem selling any bluffs in my HB deck since i fast advance with Biotic Labor so frequently.

Change your playstyle to "Always install and advance once. Finish everything on the second turn, using Biotic labor to finish off PriReq" and see what happens.

(and you'll save deck space too, since 2 Labors are enough for this sort of thing :) )

couples well with the HB ambush archetype, since Install, Advance is likely your first move with this guy.

i have a problem selling any bluffs in my HB deck since i fast advance with Biotic Labor so frequently.

Perfect time to start running agendas worth more points to cut down your agenda count.
Jul 26 2014 01:09 AM

Can you use Trick of Light with this card?  I mean technically, you aren't advancing, your'e moving advancements.  ... silly and cheap, maybe?  worthy of answering, yes!  =)

Yep, you can use Shipment From SanSan too :)

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