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Game of Thrones: Summer Is Coming

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Summer Is Coming: Episode 24

This week Tiny and Darknoj review the latest chapter pack The Banners Gather. Also Darknoj and Alex discuss Gencon.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 23

Tiny and Darknoj are back!! Tiny emerges from his cave and discovers a new FAQ which makes him smile.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 22

This week Tiny and Darknoj discuss Darknoj's tournament and the shocking fact that he didn't win.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 21

This week Tiny and Darknoj discuss Tiny's regional win at Montclair and his lackluster performance at Kubla Con.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 20

This week Tiny and Darknoj discuss Darknoj's endless stream of regional victories. Also they discuss the Long Voyage including the best houses for it.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 19

This week Tiny and Darknoj review the A Turn of the Tide chapter pack.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 18

This week Tiny interviews two regional champions, Bert and Chris. They discuss their winning decks, Martell Kothh and Targ TLV.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 17

This week Tiny and Darknoj review the Pirates of Lys chapter pack.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 16

This week Tiny and Darknoj review the Reach of the Kraken chapter pack.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 15

This week Tiny and Darknoj talk about the new FAQ

Summer Is Coming: Episode 14

Tiny and Darknoj take a look at the new chapter pack, Reach of the Kraken.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 13

Tiny and Darknoj examine the top decks at the end of the 2012 tournament season and what put them over the top.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 12

Tiny and Darknoj followup up their Stark HoD Bear Island deck with a major revision. They discuss deck tiers and whether or not the first turn wins games. Also Bruno stops by for some questions. Music by Longzijun.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 11

Tiny Grimes and Darknoj build a Stark, Bear Island, House of Dreams deck. John Bruno stops by for a new weekly segment called Ask Bruno. New music is provided by Longzijun. The Bear Island deck has been submitted to the decks section as SummerIsComingBearIsland.

Summer Is Coming: Episode 10

Tiny Grimes and Darknoj reboot Summer is Coming for season 2. They talk about their own play styles, favorite house, and current favorite cards. They also examine the new meta and outline a new Greyjoy winter tweak which is well suited for the current meta. Additionally, they provide advice for improving your game and enjoying the lengthy down time before regional season starts back up.

Summer Is Coming Episode 9.1: Worlds Interviews

In part one of episode 9, Tiny interviews first Darknoj and then Derek Shoemaker (the overall champ). They discuss a wide range of topics such as the perils of keeping a Warhammer in the home.

Summer Is Coming Episode 9.2: Interview With A Bruno

In part two of episode 9, Tiny interviews John Bruno about his recent Joust World Championship tiitle. They discuss a myriad of topics such as: Targ KotHH, worlds preparation, greatness, and other burning issues.

Summer Is Coming Episode 8: Worlds Prep 2 And Chapter Pack Review

Tiny and Darknoj provide more worlds preparation tips including more decks to watch, card to expect to see, and the importance of the setup. They also review the new chapter pack A Roll of the Dice.

Summer Is Coming Episode 7: Worlds Prep

Tiny and Darknoj examine 7 decks you will see at worlds and provide information on how to handle them.

Summer Is Coming Episode 6: Top Cards In The Meta

Tiny and Darknoj rank their top 10 most powerful cards in the meta.

Summer Is Coming Episode 5: Gencon Recap & Post-Gencon Meta

We discuss our experiences at GenCon and what cards and decks we think are good going forward

Summer Is Coming Episode 4: Valar Morghulis, Martell Maesters And Neutral Draw

The top cards from the new Chapter Pack, analysis of our Martell Maesters deck and some thoughts on draw engines.

Summer Is Coming Episode 3: Guests And Allies

A discussion of allies and whether to play them, and two guests discuss the new Chapter Pack!

Summer Is Coming Episode 2: Winter Vs Summer

A discussion of Greyjoy Winter, how to play a season vs season matchup, dicussion of plot selection and more!

Summer Is Coming - Episode 1

The First Episode of a brand new Game of Thrones Podcast.