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Across the Anoat Sector

Across the Anoat Sector

Across the Anoat Sector

Type: Objective
Faction: Light Smugglers and Spies
Each [Smugglers and Spies] unit you control gains [Blast Damage] while it is attacking alone.
Near the edges of the Outer Rim, the Anoat sector was a great place to hide... and plan.
Health: 5
Resources Generated: 1
Block Number: 74 - 1 of 6
Set: Edge of Darkness Number: 339
* * * * -   7 Scruffy Looking Nerf Herders have rated this card!
Other Cards in Block 74
Block Stats:
# Units: 3
Total Cost: 7
Average Cost: 1.4
Total Force Icons: 5
Average Force Icons: 1
Recent Decks Using This Card:


I find myself continually using the ability on this objective. Smugglers have a very weird way of launching a emi-medium-sized attack force only to wind up attacking with one unit by the time the engagement is over. I find the objective's ability very versatile and offer options in engagements that were not really there before.

Am I going to wind up losing a couple of the chuds that I have thrown into battle. No problem... my last dude will be attacking alone so he gets the bonus. Couple this with the abilities of units like Lando and the Falcon, and a Smuggler army can become an army of one before your opponent knew what hit him.
couple it with raise the stakes objective and good night...
Yeah, this is a great objective The extra * really adds up.
Just wondering: What if I have two copies of this card in play at the same time. Will these two objectives then give my [Smugglers and Spies] units 2 [Blast Damage] when attacking alone? I.e 1 extra [Blast Damage] for each "Across the Anoat Sector" I have in play? I can't seem to find anything in the rules to solve this scenario.

Just wondering: What if I have two copies of this card in play at the same time.

Your attacker gets 2 extra blast damage.
I have been destroyed pretty fast by two of these objectives and 3 scouts in play. Ouch!
1-2 of these and a raise the stakes can be brutal, and make for an extremely quick game if they get swindles or some operatives.

1-2 of these and a raise the stakes can be brutal, and make for an extremely quick game if they get swindles or some operatives.

I've had that opening. Han Solo first turn = objective murderer.
Im looking forward to the day when DS also gets a 2 damage straight up burn :)

Im looking forward to the day when DS also gets a 2 damage straight up burn :)

Two copies of the forward command and the moorsh mooraine in a navy hoth deck. 5 dmg on a single shielded AT-ST :P You don't get the sleuths abillity, but you can attack with 4 shielded AT-ST's at once for a lovely overscore of 15 haha!
I meant something along the lines of Rebel Assault to kill Sleuths and Han with, without having both Vader and Choke available :b
Sep 21 2013 12:30 PM
Is the "attacking alone" wording the same as "declared as your only attacker"? This issue came up in a match recently and we weren't sure how to rule.

Is the "attacking alone" wording the same as "declared as your only attacker"? This issue came up in a match recently and we weren't sure how to rule.

They're similar, but not quite the same. "Declared as your only attacker" only cares about the "declare attackers" step at that you only declared the single attacker in that step. Effects that use "while attacking alone" are constant checks that will be turned on if a unit becomes a lone attacker (say, via Lando) or turned off if they are no longer alone in the attack.
    • CarsonFlintlock likes this
Oct 26 2014 04:20 PM

"while attacking alone" are constant checks that will be turned [...] off if they are no longer alone in the attack.


What happens when you attack alone but strike with e.g. the Cloud City Wing Guard additionally which has "This unit may strike during combat even if it is not participating in the engagement." Does striking of that other unit mean that the declared attacker is no longer attacking alone, or is this not counting?

I'll just assume striking =/= attacking (you strike to defend as well). The CCWG wasn't declared an attacker and isn't participating in the engagement to be recognized as such, so your other unit is still considered to be attacking alone.

Oct 27 2014 04:57 PM

Ah that sounds reasonable, thanks.

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