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Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker

♦ Luke Skywalker

Type: Unit
Cost: 4
Force Icons: 3
Icons: 2 1 1
Faction: Light Rebel Alliance
Character. Force User. Pilot.
Pilot (3). (Interrupt: When enhanced unit is focused to strike as an attacker, discard the top card of an opponent’s deck and deal X damage to the engaged objective. X is the number of printed Force icons on the discarded card. (Limit once per turn.) )
Health: 3
Resources Generated:
Block Number: 157 - 2 of 6
Set: Attack Run Number: 0773
Illustrator: Romana Kendelic
* * * - -   2 Rebel Sympathizers have rated this card!
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Does Luke's Interrupt ability work with the Trench Run enhancement?

Target of Opp reads "deal 1 damage to the engaged objective." and that does not work.


so I would think Luke's ability will not work with trench run

No, because it references the engaged objective.  Trench Run is not an objective.

    • Fayde likes this
Also because only framework game effects (ie blast damage and unopposed damage) work with Trench Run. No card effect works.
Yep, that all makes sense, but it's thematically terrible; geesh the objective is even called Running The Trench.

If Luke is able to use his ability on Trench Run, it would end the game quickly since the DS will lose when this mission is destroyed, and there are ways to destroy it without much opposition (like the Sleuth deck). Maybe it doesn't make sense thematically, but from a gaming standpoint it makes sense. 

    • Fayde likes this

so luke ability works with trench run then?

Trench Run is not an objective, it's a mission, so Luke's ability doesn't work on it.

Well, it's an enhancement at least. Luke's ability does not work with Trench Run because it is a card effect and the only things that can damage the death star dial while enhanced with Trench Run are framework game effects during engagements. This is limited to blast damage and the unopposed bonus.
Nov 25 2016 03:27 AM

I'm feeling like this card is similar to Pilot Boba in that it may be better to play this as a unit instead of a Pilot. Not elite, but has good icons.

I'm feeling like this card is similar to Pilot Boba in that it may be better to play this as a unit instead of a Pilot. Not elite, but has good icons.

I've never played him as a pilot. He's always better as a unit

does the damage from the drawn card include the blast damage from the unit that is enhanced? For example Red 5 is focused to strike and the revealed card from the deck has 3 pips. Red 5 has 2 black blast damage so the total blast damge done is 5 or 3?

Jun 27 2017 10:10 AM

does the damage from the drawn card include the blast damage from the unit that is enhanced? For example Red 5 is focused to strike and the revealed card from the deck has 3 pips. Red 5 has 2 black blast damage so the total blast damge done is 5 or 3?

It would do 5 damage to the objective in that case, unless Red 5 used its ability- then it would deal the 3 damage to the objective, and Red 5 would have a 1 damage shot at a unit, and a 2 damage shot at a unit (potentially the same or a different unit).
Jun 29 2017 04:28 PM

And note two things: Luke is the source of the damage, and it is two different iterations of damage. Corrupt official, in this case, would only block 3 of the damage. I don't think it matters for the light side, but it would get around an effect like First Marker http://www.cardgamed...-skywalker-43-6

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