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Echo Defender

Echo Defender

Echo Defender

Type: Unit
Cost: 2
Force Icons: 1
Icons: 1
Faction: Light Rebel Alliance
Character. Trooper.
This unit gains [Edge-Enabled Unit Damage] for each Hoth objective you control.
The Rebel Alliance suffered a crushing defeat on Hoth, but those that survived were more determined than ever to overthrow the Empire.
Health: 2
Block Number: 43 - 2 of 6
Set: The Search For Skywalker Number: 204
* * * - -   2 Rebel Sympathizers have rated this card!
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Jan 06 2019 08:35 PM
So it seems to me (a new player) that if you stack all these Hoth characters your deck would be incredible. Yet I never see all goth at the big tables on YouTube. Thoughts?
Aug 16 2019 05:09 AM
Hoth was the first cycle released, and wasn't really a viable archetype during most of the game's life. It got a little bit of support during the Echoes of the Force cycle (one Rebel, one Imperial), we didn't see anymore Hoth sets after that until the second to last pack, when the Rebels and Imperials each got one new Hoth set that finally made them playable again.

I think its still undecided if they are playable but, the new sets were definitely an improvement.


The main issue back in the Hoth cycle was that they attempted to merge vehicles and characters into the same sets which caused your deck to pull into two directions. A great case being wedges set which was a for a speeder deck but then had an enhancement more suited to characters.


So the speeders and walkers ended up being the decks that came out, while the character/trooper decks took a back seat as there wasn't anything to get them to work with, any decks that did come out were not up to dealing with the new cards.


Ideally what we need is a return to Hoth set/cycle. Something that looks to fix or replace out parts of the Hoth cycle so that you can have a stronger and more synergised decks, that are still on theme. If I come out of retirement maybe I'll design something.

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