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Preparation for Battle
, Apr 26 2013 05:35 PM | Last updated Apr 26 2013 05:46 PM
Preparation for BattleType: Objective Faction: Light Neutral Hoth. Your shielded units cannot be damaged while the Death Star dial is 4 or lower. Your shielded units gain [Blast Damage] while the Death Star dial is 8 or higher. Health: 5 Resources Generated: 1 Block Number: 45 - 1 of 6 Set: The Search For Skywalker Number: 213 Illustrator: Ralph McQuarrie |
5 Galactic Citizens have rated this card!
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Block Stats:
# Units: 4 Total Cost: 7 Average Cost: 1.4 Total Force Icons: 8 Average Force Icons: 1.6 |
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Let's say I have a shielded unit with 2 dmg capacity.
This unit is going to be damaged in engagement with 2 dmg.
How will this unit stay after the strikes?
1. as before, 2 dmg capacity and a shield
2. 2 dmg capacity but shield is removed
3. 1 dmg and no shield (cant, happen - this would contradict the objective text
If I have a shielded unit with Protect, can it use its Protect to essentially nullify damage dealt to another unit, while the DSD is 4 or lower and this objective is on the table? End result is that no damage is dealt to any unit. Have I got this right?
A shielded unit in that case cannot be damaged so it is not able to use the Protect ability.
I believe the logic is that damage cannot be assigned to the unit at all, so redirection is likewise prevented.
Official Ruling (Nate French)