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Kabalite Blackguard
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Kabalite BlackguardType: Army Unit Faction: Dark Eldar Cost: 2 Attack Value: 2 Hit Points: 3 Command Icons: Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon Traits: Warrior. Kabalite. Reaction: After you win a battle at this planet, take up to 2[Resource] from your opponent. Set: Against the Great Enemy Number: 101 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: GW Design Studio |
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Wow. I don't see any reason not to run this in Morn. If your opponent is holding onto any money this cheap dude becomes a priority target. I guess he's got no command hammers, but stealing resources from your opponent seems just better.
That said, its another Kabalite for Surprise Assault and Raiding Portal, the latter of which gives it command and lets you move it to your warlord's planet if you look good to win it for the 2 resources.
And often if your opponent is spent up to avoid its effect (which would be crippling if you get 2 or 3 out at once), you know they have a simple 4 resources per turn against your greater amount.
3HP for cost is decent too.
That and sometimes people play Cards at the wrong time or inefficiently if they are under the threat of having resources stolen or cards discarded.
I think this'll be weaker than it looks at first glance.
2R for 0 command basically gives the opponent +1 command struggle, which mitigates the pain of the resource theft here.
Then they've got options to prevent the ability:
- Win the battle (duh)
- Get this unit killed or routed before the battle ends, even if they're going to lose it.
- Get rid of resources, like you do when threatened with Osus.
That's why I think it might just be a Morn card. I think it pulls that math in a bit. Play this guy for 1 and now you don't care too much if they mitigate the guy it's probably going to feel like you won that exchange. That coupled with Rapid Assault and Raiding Portal helping up his utility as VonWibble already suggested. Perhaps my wow was premature, but I'm still pretty excited to give him a try. Sounds like he'll put some good pressure on the opponents side of the table.
Having said that, it does fit a broader picture of resource choke, which is cool, and there's a soft synergy with card-choking. Deny them cards, and they'll have resources left over. Simples!
He will replace my Dying Son Marauders in my deck, essentialy the same stats just different abilities.
That's what I was thinking. I don't think he replaces the Slavers or Harriers obviously, but some of the other Kab units might be expendable if you want to double down on putting pressure on you opponent's resources. The Marauder is a good call because it's possible that readying may not be all that useful if you aren't playing to it.
For 2 resources, this card puts a lot of pressure on the opponent. If they can't prevent you from winning the battle, they will have to tank the effect or find a way to spend all of their resources which means, as VonWibble above pointed out, they have just 4 resources next round - assuming they do manage to find a way to do so. They could of course elect not to take resources during command, but that would still be a decisive win, especially against all those resource-hungry decks around nowadays.
This could be for resources what Smasha Gun Battery is for cards, but at a smaller price and with more utility (albeit with less combo potential).
There are very few auto-includes in the current meta and this card probably isn't one of those, but you would have to have a very good reason to leave it out of your deck, especially if you're playing Morn.
Probably the first Kabalite you might want to put the Bodysuit on so it has a better chance to stay in play and reap the rewards..
Played them last night, this combined with Archons Palace my opponent was Denied Cards during Command, and any Credits that were won I stole at the end of battle.
Confirming this guy is dope, even if not that easy to set up.
It's a great card for when your opponent lets you win planets because he's trying to buy some time: as such, I think Eldorath mobility decks will hate it with particular vigour.
Is it worth replacing a few copies of rogue trader with this? Or do you just go x3?
The decks I have run I do not use Rogue Trader because you have Skull Slaver as well as Gut and Pillage.
I have replaced the Dying Son Marauders in my deck, they have the same stats, and I don't gain enough money consistently during Combat to really take advantage of the straightening ability.
They also sort of act as a "redirect" as people may want to focus them down quickly because they will hate losing Credits to you.
Also had a thought of something else to think about, if you are play S. Mercenary's and have them in play, if your opponent knows they are going to lose the 2+ Credits, they may just spend it on the Mercs and take them away from you, this way the lose the money but gain a unit, and you lose the money and a unit.
Given the ability can only trigger when a battle takes place, this guy is best played to either planet 1 as a bruiser or the planet you think your opponent will commit to alongside something else (but that's harder to set up). Any other deploy implies that you're committing to that planet, which telegrpahs your plays.
That said, it works really well as a planet 1 bully since it has some solid stats for its cost (especially if played for 1) and forces your opponent to commit to the fight or take the hit. If they go for the former, it then acts as a psuedo meatshield for your other units because they want it gone, and if they go for the latter then they'll either spend their money inefficiently, opt to not take resource command wins, or outright lose the cash. Either way, it's pulling its weight.
Additionally, should it survive the fight at 1 it ends up in your train and can trigger again irrespective of where you commit, so it can effectively guarantee the second trigger.
Really like this card, but you don't really need more than 2 in a deck. It's also not really worth it outside of Morn since it's much more worthwhile for 1 cost
I think it's a very strong card in certain matchups. Against Elite decks it might be risky to pull off (you usually need have a control card in hand to ensure an early win against those) but it's very strong against decks that need to fight for command, thus are more likely to let planet 1 go. I've found it strong, with the only problem being that deckspace in DE is very very tight - you don't want to ditch command for this. All in all it's not a reliable effect, but it can be a powerful knockout blow.
That's the thing about this card that's not immediately apparent: It doesn't matter if the effect doesn't trigger because you've forced your opponent to play around it.
There was one instance I observed recently (not a game I was playing) where Shadowsun placed a Recon Drone to planet 1 (Osus IV) and Morn placed a Blackguard opposite it. Neither player had any intention of committing to 1 since the colour was irrelevant for the victory conditions of each player and going into the command phase the Shadowsun player had 1 resource. The play by the Morn player was strong, even though he had to pay 2 for the Blackguard, since the Shadowsun player was left with a choice: Claim the resources at Osus then give them to Morn after the battle's over, or don't claim the resources to deny Morn. Either way, Morn either gains 1 resource or 3 resources, and in both cases denies 3 resources from Shadowsun, which is the main objective.
Point is; it suffices to force your opponent to make less optimal decisions even if you aren't directly benefiting from it.
If the Morn player wins the planet, they take 2R from their opponent using the Blackguard's ability plus a further 1R from triggering Osus' ability (so 3R in total). So the alternative choice for the opponent is to deny themselves of 3R purely so that the Morn player can't benefit. Cutting off their noses to spite their faces, as the saying goes - which sounds right up the Dark Eldar warlords' street....