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Skrap Nabba
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Skrap NabbaType: Army Unit Faction: Orks Cost: 2 Attack Value: 1 Hit Points: 2 Command Icons: 1 Signature/Loyalty: Traits: Oddboy. Ally. While this unit is at a [Material] planet (red), it gains: [+2 Resource] Set: What Lurks Below Number: 81 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Jeff Porter |
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I'm not sure where I will use this card. In Zogwort (or Nazdreg), I'd rather run AM allies and take the 2-2 hammer units to win in command. Iron Guard Recruits has the same stats but gives me 2 hammers, which in a lot of situations is better than the +2 resources that I only get if I win command. Because of that, this feels like a Gorzod card to me.
What this unit will do is encourage your opponent to either trump it on command or commit his warlord to the planet where the Nabba is deployed to cut off the resource bonus. That can open up some interesting play options.
I do think this guy is great in Gorzod. I think maybe I could make room for him in Zogwort, but even there his 2 HP is kind of a drawback.
He is, unfortunately, weak against Archon's Palace, since 5 out of 6 red planets have +resources, and none have +2 cards.
well, I've been waiting for this unit for so long. I really expect it will boost Ork economy dramatically.
I think the best thing about this card is it opens up a different avenue for Ork command decks. I am crafting up a deck that utilizes Dakka, Smasha Gun Battery, Kannons and maniak to cut their command off, and leave units available for your own command.
Command units I have in mind are Nabba, Bad Dok, Enraged Orks. This might be a gimmick, but its worth testing. Dream scenario is you have all of these units as cappers, you dakka or smasha, boom goes their command units.
If my opponent wins the command struggle at a red planet where this unit is located, do they receive the +2 resource bonus that the Skrap Nabba gives?
RRG, p. 12: "The (+X cards) and (+X resources) symbols modify the number of cards or resources that are granted by a planet when the controller of the symbol wins a command struggle there. The card with the symbol must be at the planet when its bonus resolves. Their effects are cumulative, and their modification of the planet bonus is not optional."