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Suggestions for the site

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So I figure now is a great time to ask if there are any suggestions for new features or changes to the site. We'll use this as a central thread for everyone to post their ideas.
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I think you should use "+" and "-" buttons to add or remove cards from decklists instead of double-clicking.



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Darksbane - Thanks for starting up this site. The pics are great, and I hope ONE DAY to find some other gamers near me...

One thing that would be cool is to be able to search the cards by artist (maybe this site, or the Dabbler site does this already, and I'm just not internet savvy enough to have figured out how...)

- Zordren



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Love the work you've done. I also like that you are working on CoC - this would be my one-stop shop for everything!




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So I figure now is a great time to ask if there are any suggestions for new features or changes to the site. We'll use this as a central thread for everyone to post their ideas.

Please add Unique and non-unique to the search fields.

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@TempestTenor: Good idea and one I had been thinking about anyway. I likely won't remove the double click functionality but adding in the +/- is easy enough. Hopefully I can get something like that done in the next week or two.

@zordren: Searching by artist is doable, unfortunately though I left this field out when creating the GoT database. Adding it in is easy enough but populating the data will take a while. The Call of Cthulhu cards however are all being entered in with artist info so that one should be done first.

@Danigral: Thanks :D Cthulhu is coming along, I've got the data entered from the core set and a few of the asylum packs. Hopefully by this weekend or mid next week I should have the card search and deckbuilder going for it. The only unfortunate thing for CoC is that I can't find 3 chapter packs (sold out everwhere) so I'm going to have to use some so-so scans for those 3 until I can get my hands on the packs or until I can find someone to scan them for me.

@arcanjl: Didn't realize I'd missed that, should be fixed now.



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@Danigral: Thanks :D Cthulhu is coming along, I've got the data entered from the core set and a few of the asylum packs. Hopefully by this weekend or mid next week I should have the card search and deckbuilder going for it. The only unfortunate thing for CoC is that I can't find 3 chapter packs (sold out everwhere) so I'm going to have to use some so-so scans for those 3 until I can get my hands on the packs or until I can find someone to scan them for me.

Which ones are you missing? I may be able to provide you some scans...




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Currently missing Spawn of the Sleeper, Mountains of Madness, and Ancient Horrors




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The deckbuilder should display a total card count for your House Deck.




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The deckbuilder card filter should treat an "enter keystroke" as a click on the search button.




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Card totals are now working, for any existing saved decks in order to get a total a card must be added or removed from the deck.

As for the enter keystroke, I don't think I can map enter to always click search button as that would cause problems in the deck strategy section, but I can add an event to the text boxes in the search box where an enter in them submits the search.




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The card total should only count the cards in your House deck and should not include the House card itself, the plot deck, and Agenda cards.




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Card count adjusted, and after thinking about how to best implement an on enter search I think I came up with a solution. I added in some code to allow shift+enter to activate the search whenever the filter tab is visible.



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not sure how feasible it is, but i'd love to be able to use the up and down arrows to scroll through the cards after a search in the deck builder.




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Card count adjusted, and after thinking about how to best implement an on enter search I think I came up with a solution. I added in some code to allow shift+enter to activate the search whenever the filter tab is visible.

Sweet. You should display a message informing the user of the shift-enter function (and also the double-click to add/remove function).




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As we are seeing posts like this on the FFG board (and I've also had this come up with local players) would it be possible to implement a way to click and add what sets are available for building, instead of using the drop menu. Kinda a pain to look at cards from Core, then move on to KL cycle, then check another couple packs... Being able to filter for multiple sets while excluding some others would be VERY helpful in this situation.
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@RyanSD: It is possible but I hesitate to remap any more keystrokes, doesn't the mouse scroll wheel do a good enough job with this?

@TempestTenor: I'm planning on doing a tips/tutorial page for the deckbuilder but want to get these changes done first.

@Boreas154: I could make that change Boreas and I can see how it would be useful for people without all the cards. I do like the compactness of the dropdown list though but I can change it to checkboxes like the House choice and work on compacting it later.

I've got the +/- for cards in the deck working I think, need to do some more testing with it though.

Call of Cthulhu is close to ready, all but 1 asylum pack is in the database and the search page is up and running, I'll be working on the deck builder for it next.



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"Navigation" is misspelled in the sidebar menu.

How do I get to the CoC search page?




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Heh, thanks, spelling is not my strong suit.

I"m not really promoting it yet as it needs some polish and I wanna have the deck builder ready to go with it.




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as this is the first post of mine here, let me congratulate this brillant idea you've done. I'm really impressed.
Regarding the functionalities of the site, let me show you what I found in the web searching for a tool like yours:
One of Polish AGOT fans prepared a very nice device to search for cards. It works really well. The only missing thing are the pictures.

What I suppose to add is the direct link to the deckbuilder at the front page.
I hope your next step to take is to build up the section for Warhammer: Invasion.

Anyway, I cross my fingers for you not to give up :)