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Limits/Maxima outside of the designated period

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Best Answer istaril , 24 November 2016 - 02:10 PM

Say a character would be killed at the end of a phase (by a poison token from Tears of Lys, Tyene Sand or Venomous Blade, for instance) and is saved by an event (Healing Expertise or Risen from the Sea, for instance). Can I trigger Tower of the Sun's reaction (text follows) to gain 1 gold, even though we are currently not in any phase (the previous one has ended, but the next one has not started yet)?


Great question. Looks like a definite yes; nothing to prevent that.


Phase limits like that are generally inplace to prevent abuse around player action windows, so I don't think this is *that* weird.

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Say a character would be killed at the end of a phase (by a poison token from Tears of Lys, Tyene Sand or Venomous Blade, for instance) and is saved by an event (Healing Expertise or Risen from the Sea, for instance). Can I trigger Tower of the Sun's reaction (text follows) to gain 1 gold, even though we are currently not in any phase (the previous one has ended, but the next one has not started yet)?



Reaction: After an event is played, gain 1 gold. (Limit once per phase.)


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This is exactly what happens when the end of the phase is not inside the phase.



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✓  Best Answer

Say a character would be killed at the end of a phase (by a poison token from Tears of Lys, Tyene Sand or Venomous Blade, for instance) and is saved by an event (Healing Expertise or Risen from the Sea, for instance). Can I trigger Tower of the Sun's reaction (text follows) to gain 1 gold, even though we are currently not in any phase (the previous one has ended, but the next one has not started yet)?


Great question. Looks like a definite yes; nothing to prevent that.


Phase limits like that are generally inplace to prevent abuse around player action windows, so I don't think this is *that* weird.



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I'm facepalming so hard that my skull is grinding :3



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Great question. Looks like a definite yes; nothing to prevent that.


Phase limits like that are generally inplace to prevent abuse around player action windows, so I don't think this is *that* weird.


Still, if two characters were to be killed at the end of phase, and I saved them both with two events, I would be able to trigger the Tower twice, right?



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Still, if two characters were to be killed at the end of phase, and I saved them both with two events, I would be able to trigger the Tower twice, right?





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Head explodes.

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At what point are we no longer in a phase, just when 'at the end' effects resolve? Or earlier than that?



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At what point are we no longer in a phase, just when 'at the end' effects resolve? Or earlier than that?


At the end of the phase in not inside the phase. Everything before it, is.



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At the end of the phase in not inside the phase. Everything before it, is.


Not quite. An interrupt to something "at the end of the phase" is also not inside the phase, but still before the something. This is the order of various effects in relation to a single timing point:

- Interrupts ("when") occur before the timing point (but after anything at the same nesting level and before the timing point)

- Lasting effects ("until", "during") stop exactly on the timing point

- Delayed effects ("at the end of the phase", for instance) occur after the timing point

- Reactions ("after") occur after the timing point (but before anything at the same nesting level and after the timing point)



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Technically, an interrupt to [something] would still occur after [something] has initiated (but before it resolves), so I believe that technically my statement was not incorrect :)



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Technically correct, the best kind of correct :)

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 Does nobody think this FAQ ruling is just poor? Why does the phase end before the end of the phase? The phase should end at the end of the phase.


If I say "come to our tournament at the end of the year", do you show up in January?


The ruling is the ruling, but it's not very intuitive at all.

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 Does nobody think this FAQ ruling is just poor? Why does the phase end before the end of the phase? The phase should end at the end of the phase.


If I say "come to our tournament at the end of the year", do you show up in January?


The ruling is the ruling, but it's not very intuitive at all.


That's what I've been saying for months, you are not alone