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The Chance Chance has some announcements, including AN EVENT AT WORLDS

The Chance Cube Worlds Podcast

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The last approximate 4 months have been a blast. We at The Chance Cube are proud to announce that we are adding new things and branching out to doing new things. We thank you everyone who follows us, to those who have checked us out, and those that will take the time to check us out. I would like to share with you some changes that have happened and I urge you to check us out again if you haven't in a while. Please check out the link below to see what we have done and fill out the survey at the top of our Facebook page for a chance to win a $50 gift card.

Changes we have made:




We would also like to take this time to announce that we are planning to have an event at this year's worlds. Details are still be finalized:



If you have any questions, please reach out to us on facebook. If you don't have facebook You can contact us at [email protected] and/or [email protected]

Thank and as always, Don't leave your Destiny to chance.

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As someone who used to create a ton of content for the SWLCG, I just want to give massive props where massive props are do.  You have been a vital member of this community since launch and posts like this further illustrate how far and beyond you go to strive to make the community a better place.  

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Just curious, actually looks like something I would be interested in, but Id like to get some opinions from anyone who has it or any new owners.



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As someone who used to create a ton of content for the SWLCG, I just want to give massive props where massive props are do.  You have been a vital member of this community since launch and posts like this further illustrate how far and beyond you go to strive to make the community a better place.

First off I want to say I am sorry for the late reply, it's been busy for me lately. Next, I would like to thank you for your statement. Thank you :)
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This is really cool. Posting for the NYC community on Facebook!
  • Ketricel and JediGeekGirl like this

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