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Barring the Gates + Night Gathers...

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Best Answer istaril , 17 March 2017 - 12:33 PM

Does Barring the Gates block Night Gathers?


I interpret 'cause' as 'directly cause'. As in, the resolution of a card ability would result in a character entering play. Night Gathers doesn't put characters into play, so it doesn't directly cause characters to enter play. If you interpret 'cause' wider, as in 'without this ability you couldn't put this character into play', then you'd need to account for discounts and gold-generating abilities as well, no?



I concur. Night Gathers does not cause any cards to enter play - the cards are being marshaled (a game effect is putting them into play). Night gathers and Barring the Gates do not interact.

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Card abilities cannot cause characters to enter play.
Marshaling Action: Choose an opponent whose reserve value is lower than yours. Until the end of the phase, you may marshal characters from that player's discard pile as if they were in your hand.


Does Barring the Gates block Night Gathers?


I interpret 'cause' as 'directly cause'. As in, the resolution of a card ability would result in a character entering play. Night Gathers doesn't put characters into play, so it doesn't directly cause characters to enter play. If you interpret 'cause' wider, as in 'without this ability you couldn't put this character into play', then you'd need to account for discounts and gold-generating abilities as well, no?



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Does Barring the Gates block Night Gathers?


I interpret 'cause' as 'directly cause'. As in, the resolution of a card ability would result in a character entering play. Night Gathers doesn't put characters into play, so it doesn't directly cause characters to enter play. If you interpret 'cause' wider, as in 'without this ability you couldn't put this character into play', then you'd need to account for discounts and gold-generating abilities as well, no?



I concur. Night Gathers does not cause any cards to enter play - the cards are being marshaled (a game effect is putting them into play). Night gathers and Barring the Gates do not interact.



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Correct. The resolution of "Night Gathers..." does not actually put anything into play. A separate (modified) Marshaling action does. So there is no interaction between Night Gathers and Barring the Gates.


It's similar the how an "immune to events" defender could still be bypassed by an attacker which gained its stealth from an event like Quiet as a Shadow.




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 I just had the same problem with Tarle... I get the argument, but still think it's weird...