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selling netrunner collection

sell netrunner

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Hello there


I'm selling my netrunner lcg collection in english langage

I'm from France 


If no one is interested to buy the complete collection (+ goodies includes for free), i can split  ONLY if i sell at least half of the collection 


So :
Coreset x1 : 25€ / reserved (in case of split selling)
Coreset x1 : 25€ /
Coreset x1 : 25€ /
Creation and Control : 20€ /
Honor and Profit : 20€ /
Order and Chaos : 20€ /
Data and Destiny : 20€ /
 complete Cycles:
Genesis : 40€ /
Spin : 40€ /
Lunar : 40€ /
Sansan : 40€ /
Cycle Mumbad : 40€ / reserved (in case of split selling)
 incomplete Cycle : Flashpoint : 20€ / reserved (in case of split selling)
contain : 23 Seconds + Blood Money + Escalation
total 375€
 the transport charge for the buyer
you can post to tell me if you want some part of the collection and if there is enough selling, I'll  proceed to the split part :)
 thanks to your time ;)
 additional goodies only  available  if you buy at least 200€  :add  + 40 € and you will have all goodies :
If you buy the entire collection, all the additional goodies are free for you !
goodies :
- maya playmat
- leela playmat
- 2 book for cards  ultra pro + 1 book ultimate guard
-   alternates officials (pop up widows x3 , Kate x1 , PE x1, aesop x3, adonis x3, scorch earth x1)
-  custom alternates non officials (custom by french team toulonnaise ) : braintrust x3, andromeda x1
- custom playmat  open  toulon 2015 
- sleeves many quantities for 8 decks at least (pop up widows, reina) 
- 8 deckbox official
-2 custom box + 8 custom acrylic token to play draft for  8 players :

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sell, netrunner