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Asha Greyjoy

Asha Greyjoy

Unique Asha Greyjoy

Type: Character House: Greyjoy
Cost: 3 Strength: 3 Icons: Military,Intrigue
Game Text:
FAQ v5.3: Should have the text: "House Greyjoy only."
Lady. Ironborn.
House Greyjoy only.
Asha Greyjoy does not kneel to attack an opponent with 3 or more non-character cards in his or her discard pile.
Flavor Text: "I throw an axe as well as any man, but when the target is so small..."
Crest: Noble
Number: 70 Set: WLL
Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Felicia Cano
Recent Decks: Greyjoy No Agenda Winter Choke v2
Greyjoy Unopposed Joust
Greyjoy Unopposed Joust
GJ The Old Way - 4-0 Store Championship
The Old Way


Jan 06 2012 05:30 PM
Pretty good version of Asha for almost any grayjoy deck type. Certainly above average for the cost.
Really great card! There's quite a few of those noble squids around now...
great in a discard type set up