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The Brazen Beasts
, Oct 24 2012 04:32 PM | Last updated Oct 24 2012 04:32 PM
Recent Decks: |
Targ Dragon burn 1.3 Lygophobia (1st Place, Norwich UK SC) burn practice V1.0 Griff Re-burn targ - burn 1.5 |
Glad it is unique!
The Brazen Beasts is in play with Renown keyword. I reveal Selmy's Scheme next round (Army characters gain Renown during Power challenges). Does the Brazen Beasts gain that keyword anyway, so it has it twice? And if so, what happens when The Brazen Beasts claims power for Renown after winning a Power challenge? Claimed twice...?
The way renown is worded, it doesn't not take into account multiple instances of renown, so they will only claim 1 power. What this does do for you, is if your opponent had blanked the Beasts, they would still have the gained renown.