Type: Event House: Martell
Small Council.
House Martell only. Challenges: Choose 2 characters controlled by two different players. Until the end of the phase, the character of your choice loses all keywords and the other character gains each of those lost keywords. Response: After you lose a challenge as the attacker, choose and stand a participating character.
Set: ARotD Number: 114 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: dleoblack
Type: Attachment House: Targaryen
Cost: 1
Attached character gains deadly. Challenges: Kneel attached character to have it participate as an attacker in the current challenge.
Set: ARotD Number: 117 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: A. L. Ashbaugh
Type: Event House: Neutral
Any Phase: Kneel 2 influence or kneel 1 Warship location to choose a River plot card in any player's used plot pile. Trigger that plot's "When revealed" effect as if you had just revealed it.
Set: ARotD Number: 110 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Rafal Hrynkiewicz
Type: Event House: Baratheon
House Baratheon only. Any Phase: Choose and kill a character you control (cannot be saved) to choose and put into play a character in your dead pile that was killed this phase.
Set: ARotD Number: 107 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Lukasz Jaskolski
Type: Character House: Martell
Cost: 1
STR: 1
Challenges: Kneel Greenblood Merchant to choose a character. That character gains or loses an icon of your choice until the end of the phase. Any opponent may kneel 1 influence to cancel this effect.
Set: ARotD Number: 112 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: dleoblack
Type: Agenda House: Neutral
After you announce House of Dreams as your agenda, choose from your deck a unique, in-House, non-limited location. That location starts the game in play an dgains the text: "Immune to opponents' non-plot card effects." Draw 6 cards for your setup hand. You cannot spend more than 3 gold during setup.
Card designed by 2011 Overall World Champion Corey Faherty
Set: ARotD Number: 119 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Tiziano Baracchi
Type: Plot House: Neutral
Inc: 3
Init: 4
Claim: 1
Players must declare 2 or more characters to attack or defend in a challenge.
Set: ARotD Number: 120 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Charles Urbach
Type: Event House: Neutral
You may play this card during any response window. Response: Until the end of the phase, players cannot play any additional responses. (Cannot be canceled.)
Set: ARotD Number: 118 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Regis Moulun
Type: Location House: Targaryen
Cost: 1
The East.
Challenges: Kneel Meereenese Fighting Pit to choose and stand a Dragon character or a character with 1 or more Weapon attachments.
Set: ARotD Number: 116 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Ignacio Lazcano
Type: Character House: Martell
Cost: 2
STR: 2
Icon: Military,Intrigue
You may spend gold tokens on [Martell] Characters you control as if they are in your gold pool.
Response: After you kneel Old Bill Bone as an attacker or defender, discard the top card of your deck. If that card is not a character place 1 gold token from the treasury on Old Bill Bone
Crest: War
Set: ARotD Number: 111 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Even Mehl Amundsen
Type: Attachment House: Greyjoy
Cost: 1
House Greyjoy only. Attach to a Warship location you control. Attached location is immune to non-plot card effects. Add 3 to your total STR during any [Military] challenge in which you control at least 1 attacking character.
Set: ARotD Number: 108 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Ignacio Lazcano
Type: Attachment House: Martell
Cost: 1
After you play Outthought, draw 1 card. Response: After you lose a challenge, kneel attached character.
Set: ARotD Number: 113 Quantity:
Illustrator: A. L. Ashbaugh
Type: Attachment House: Stark
Cost: 1
Setup. Attached character gets +2 STR and cannot be bypassed by stealth.
Set: ARotD Number: 102 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Jorge Maese
Type: Event House: Neutral
Response: Kneel 1 influence to save a unique [Stark] or [Greyjoy] character from being killed. Then, attach Rhymes with Meek to the saved character (counts as a Condition attachment with the text 'Attached character cannot have its STR raised or lowered by card effects.')
Set: ARotD Number: 103 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Lukasz Jaskolski
Type: Event House: Greyjoy
House Greyjoy only. Response: After a challenge resolves in which a character did not count its STR because of intimidate, kill that character. Response: Save a [Holy] character from being killed. Then, that character claims 1 power.
Set: ARotD Number: 109 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Chase Toole
Type: Event House: Baratheon
House Baratheon only. Any Phase: Until the end of the phase, character abilities cannot be triggered.
Set: ARotD Number: 106 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Franz Miklis
Type: Character House: Stark
Cost: 7
STR: 7
Icon: Military, Power
Army. House Bolton.
No attachments. Lower the cost to play The Bastard's Boys by 1 for each House Bolton character you control. Response: After The Bastard's Boys are knelt as an attacker and the defending player controls no House Bolton characters, raise the claim value on your revealed plot card by 1 (to a maximum of 3) until the end of the phase.
Set: ARotD Number: 101 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Ignacio Lazcano
Type: Character House: Targaryen
Cost: 4
STR: 3
Icon: Military, Power
Renown. Response: After an opponent's character's STR is reduced to 0, The Brazen Beasts claim 1 power. (Limit once per phase.)
Set: ARotD Number: 115 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Andres Anezin
Type: Character House: Lannister Targaryen
Cost: 7
STR: 7
Icon: Military,Intrigue
Army. Mercenary. Trator.
Stealth. No attachments. Lower the cost to play The Second Sons by 1 for each unique [Lannister] or [Targaryen] character you control. Response: After a player draws a card through a card effect during the challenges phase, choose a character. That character gets -1 STR until the end of the phase.
Crest: War
Set: ARotD Number: 105 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Regis Moulun
Type: Event House: Lannister
House Lannister only. Challenges: Kneel 1 influence to choose a participating character. Remove that character from the challenge. Then, discard 1 power from that character and 1 power from your House card.
Set: ARotD Number: 104 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Magali Villeneuve