Melee Idea
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Kraken (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Marching Orders (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 3x Asha Greyjoy (Core Set) 3x Maester Wendamyr (Core Set) 3x Theon Greyjoy (Core Set) 3x Iron Islands Fishmonger (Core Set) 3x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 3x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 3x Obara Sand (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 2x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 3x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 3x Palace Spearman (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 1x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 3x Doran’s Game (Core Set)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Sunspear (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Nov 03 2015 03:42 AM
Last updated Nov 03 2015 04:10 AM
1 comments, 1907 views
Tyrell loyal [Version: 1]
Preview Deck
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 2x Heads on Spikes (Core Set) 1x Power Behind the Throne (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 3x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Left (Core Set) 1x Maester Lomys (Core Set) 2x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 2x Right (Core Set) 2x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 2x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set) 3x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 3x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 3x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set) 3x Wardens of the Reach (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Heartsbane (Core Set) 1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set)
Event: 2x Superior Claim (Core Set) 3x Growing Strong (Core Set) 3x Olenna’s Cunning (Core Set) 3x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 2x Highgarden (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x The Mander (Core Set) 3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Oct 29 2015 10:40 AM
Last updated Oct 29 2015 10:40 AM
0 comments, 1640 views
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Lion (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Heads on Spikes (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Ser Jaime Lannister (Core Set) 2x The Tickler (Core Set) 3x Tyrion Lannister (Core Set) 2x Gold Cloaks (Core Set) 2x Lannisport Merchant (Core Set) 2x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 2x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 2x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set) 3x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 3x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set) 3x Wardens of the Reach (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Heartsbane (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 1x Widow’s Wail (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 3x Growing Strong (Core Set) 3x Olenna’s Cunning (Core Set) 2x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 1x Highgarden (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x The Mander (Core Set) 3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Aug 12 2015 05:31 AM
Last updated Oct 29 2015 10:00 AM
3 comments, 4750 views
Control Experimental
The Sunny Wall [Version: 5]
Preview Deck
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Watch (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x Building Orders (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Fortified Position (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 1x Wildling Horde (Core Set) 1x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 1x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 3x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 3x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 1x Palace Spearman (Core Set) 2x Benjen Stark (Core Set) 1x Ghost (Core Set) 2x Maester Aemon (Core Set) 1x Ser Waymar Royce (Core Set) 3x Ranging Party (Core Set) 3x Steward at the Wall (Core Set) 1x Veteran Builder (Core Set)
Attachment: 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 1x Dawn (Core Set) 1x Longclaw (Core Set)
Event: 2x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Core Set) 3x Confinement (Core Set)
Location: 3x The Wall (Core Set) 2x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Sunspear (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Oct 21 2015 01:28 PM
Last updated Oct 27 2015 05:55 PM
0 comments, 1362 views
Rose Fealty Deck, the current idea is using Randy to his full potential by both Offensive and Defensive Views
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 3x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 3x Left (Core Set) 3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 3x Right (Core Set) 3x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 2x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set) 3x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 3x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set) 3x Wardens of the Reach (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Heartsbane (Core Set) 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set)
Event: 3x Growing Strong (Core Set) 3x Olenna’s Cunning (Core Set) 3x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 3x Highgarden (Core Set) 2x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x The Mander (Core Set) 3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Oct 18 2015 09:04 PM
Last updated Oct 26 2015 04:01 AM
4 comments, 2361 views
Combo Experimental Fun
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Lion (Core Set)
Plot: 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 2x Sneak Attack (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Varys (Core Set) 2x Ser Jaime Lannister (Core Set) 1x The Tickler (Core Set) 3x Tyrion Lannister (Core Set) 1x Gold Cloaks (Core Set) 3x Lannisport Moneylender (Core Set) 1x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 1x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 1x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 2x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 3x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 1x Syrio’s Training (Core Set) 1x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x Treachery (Core Set) 2x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Core Set) 3x Confinement (Core Set)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Sunspear (Core Set)
, Oct 22 2015 05:56 PM
Last updated Oct 22 2015 05:56 PM
0 comments, 1152 views
Control Experimental
Slow the game down, win the late game with Edric and The Viper. Doran's game gives a massive power grab that feels "combo" ish.
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Rose (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 2x Heads on Spikes (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 1x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 3x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x Obara Sand (Core Set) 3x The Red Viper (Core Set) 2x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 3x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 3x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set) 1x Left (Core Set) 3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 1x Right (Core Set) 3x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 3x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Sunspear (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Oct 21 2015 04:28 AM
Last updated Oct 21 2015 04:28 AM
0 comments, 1999 views
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Rose (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 3x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 2x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 2x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 1x Palace Spearman (Core Set) 2x Left (Core Set) 3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x Right (Core Set) 3x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set)
Attachment: 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 3x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x Confinement (Core Set) 2x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 1x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Oct 03 2015 09:36 PM
Last updated Oct 19 2015 07:13 AM
11 comments, 6732 views
Combo Experimental
Now built with 3 cores :)
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Watch (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Power Behind the Throne (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 3x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 2x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 2x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 3x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set) 3x Benjen Stark (Core Set) 2x Ghost (Core Set) 3x Ser Waymar Royce (Core Set) 3x Ranging Party (Core Set)
Attachment: 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x Confinement (Core Set)
Location: 1x The Wall (Core Set) 1x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 1x Sunspear (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Sep 07 2015 04:44 PM
Last updated Oct 12 2015 05:13 PM
5 comments, 2828 views
Casual Experimental
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Dragon (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 2x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 3x Magister Illyrio (Core Set) 3x Ser Jorah Mormont (Core Set) 2x Braided Warrior (Core Set) 2x Handmaiden (Core Set) 2x Targaryen Loyalist (Core Set) 3x Left (Core Set) 1x Maester Lomys (Core Set) 2x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 1x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 3x Right (Core Set) 2x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 2x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set) 3x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 3x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Heartsbane (Core Set) 1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 1x Bodyguard (Core Set)
Event: 1x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x Growing Strong (Core Set) 3x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 2x Highgarden (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x The Mander (Core Set) 3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Oct 05 2015 01:34 PM
Last updated Oct 09 2015 12:14 PM
2 comments, 1409 views
Yes I used a song title as the deck name, "don't sue me"
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Lion (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Rebuilding (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Joffrey Baratheon (Core Set) 2x Ser Jaime Lannister (Core Set) 2x The Tickler (Core Set) 2x Tyrion Lannister (Core Set) 2x Burned Men (Core Set) 2x Lannisport Moneylender (Core Set) 2x Left (Core Set) 1x Maester Lomys (Core Set) 2x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 1x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 2x Right (Core Set) 2x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 1x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set) 2x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 2x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set) 2x Wardens of the Reach (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Heartsbane (Core Set) 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Widow’s Wail (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x Growing Strong (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Cunning (Core Set) 2x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 2x Highgarden (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Sep 29 2015 10:03 PM
Last updated Sep 30 2015 07:36 PM
3 comments, 1633 views
Control Experimental
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Kraken (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x The Winds of Winter (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Asha Greyjoy (Core Set) 2x Maester Wendamyr (Core Set) 2x Theon Greyjoy (Core Set) 2x Black Wind’s Crew (Core Set) 2x Lordsport Shipwright (Core Set) 2x Salty Navigator (Core Set) 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 2x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 1x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 2x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 2x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 2x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Bodyguard (Core Set) 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Core Set) 2x Confinement (Core Set)
Location: 2x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 1x Sunspear (Core Set) 1x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Sep 28 2015 10:03 PM
Last updated Sep 28 2015 10:03 PM
0 comments, 919 views
Casual Experimental
I know they eat the leaves off the trees, but I am talking about the actual fruit.
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Stag (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Feast for Crows (Core Set) 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Maester Cressen (Core Set) 2x Melisandre (Core Set) 2x Fiery Followers (Core Set) 2x Vanguard Lancer (Core Set) 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 2x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 1x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 2x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 2x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set)
Attachment: 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x Seen In Flames (Core Set) 2x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Core Set) 2x Confinement (Core Set)
Location: 2x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Chamber of the Painted Table (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 1x Sunspear (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Sep 21 2015 07:10 PM
Last updated Sep 21 2015 07:10 PM
0 comments, 1243 views
Casual Experimental
While the puppies do not like citrus, some of the stark family do.
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Wolf (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Heads on Spikes (Core Set) 1x Jousting Contest (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 2x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 2x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 2x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 2x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set) 2x Arya Stark (Core Set) 2x Bran Stark (Core Set) 2x Eddard Stark (Core Set) 2x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 2x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 1x Vanguard of the North (Core Set)
Attachment: 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Core Set) 2x Confinement (Core Set) 2x For the North! (Core Set)
Location: 2x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 1x Sunspear (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Sep 21 2015 06:36 PM
Last updated Sep 21 2015 06:36 PM
0 comments, 1001 views
Casual Experimental
Martell strength beefcake experiment
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Sun (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Fortified Position (Core Set) 1x Marching Orders (Core Set) 1x Taxation (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 3x Wildling Horde (Core Set) 3x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 3x Doran Martell (Core Set) 1x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 1x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 3x The Red Viper (Core Set) 3x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 1x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 1x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 3x Palace Spearman (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 1x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 1x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 3x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 3x Confinement (Core Set)
Location: 1x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Sunspear (Core Set) 3x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Sep 07 2015 07:56 PM
Last updated Sep 07 2015 07:56 PM
0 comments, 1086 views
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Dragon (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 2x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Naval Superiority (Core Set) 1x The Winds of Winter (Core Set)
Character: 3x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 3x Magister Illyrio (Core Set) 1x Rhaegal (Core Set) 1x Ser Jorah Mormont (Core Set) 1x Viserion (Core Set) 3x Handmaiden (Core Set) 3x Targaryen Loyalist (Core Set) 3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 1x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 3x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 1x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set) 2x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 2x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 3x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set) 2x Wardens of the Reach (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Heartsbane (Core Set) 1x Little Bird (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set)
Event: 1x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 1x Put to the Torch (Core Set) 1x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 1x Growing Strong (Core Set) 3x Olenna’s Cunning (Core Set)
Location: 2x Highgarden (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x The Mander (Core Set) 3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Sep 04 2015 07:07 PM
Last updated Sep 05 2015 09:54 AM
2 comments, 1069 views
Sand Pirates [Version: 1]
Preview Deck
First player or second player, don't matter to me...
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Kraken (Core Set)
Plot: 2x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Marching Orders (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set) 1x Supporting the Faith (Core Set) 1x Taxation (Core Set)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Aeron Damphair (Core Set) 2x Asha Greyjoy (Core Set) 1x Maester Wendamyr (Core Set) 2x Theon Greyjoy (Core Set) 1x Black Wind’s Crew (Core Set) 1x Iron Islands Fishmonger (Core Set) 2x Lordsport Shipwright (Core Set) 1x Salty Navigator (Core Set) 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 2x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 2x Obara Sand (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 1x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 1x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 2x Bodyguard (Core Set) 2x Little Bird (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Throwing Axe (Core Set) 1x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 1x Risen from the Sea (Core Set) 1x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 2x Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Core Set) 2x Confinement (Core Set)
Location: 1x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 2x The Roseroad (Core Set) 1x Iron Fleet Scout (Core Set) 1x Sea Tower (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 1x Sunspear (Core Set) 1x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Aug 21 2015 10:29 PM
Last updated Aug 21 2015 10:29 PM
0 comments, 865 views
First time deck builder c&c welcome!!
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Kraken (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Heads on Spikes (Core Set) 2x The Winds of Winter (Core Set)
Character: 3x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 1x Wildling Horde (Core Set) 2x Asha Greyjoy (Core Set) 2x Theon Greyjoy (Core Set) 2x Black Wind’s Crew (Core Set) 2x Iron Islands Fishmonger (Core Set) 2x Salty Navigator (Core Set) 1x Left (Core Set) 3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 1x Right (Core Set) 2x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 3x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 3x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set) 1x Wardens of the Reach (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Heartsbane (Core Set) 2x Little Bird (Core Set) 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 1x Throwing Axe (Core Set)
Event: 2x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 1x Growing Strong (Core Set) 1x Olenna’s Cunning (Core Set) 2x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 2x Highgarden (Core Set) 2x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 1x Sea Tower (Core Set) 3x The Mander (Core Set) 3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Aug 18 2015 09:57 AM
Last updated Aug 18 2015 09:57 AM
0 comments, 797 views
First time deck builder c&c welcome!!
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Sun (Core Set)
Plot: 2x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Heads on Spikes (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set)
Character: 3x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 1x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 2x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 1x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Left (Core Set) 3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 2x Right (Core Set) 2x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 1x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set) 2x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 3x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set) 2x Wardens of the Reach (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Heartsbane (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set)
Event: 1x Superior Claim (Core Set) 1x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x Confinement (Core Set) 1x Growing Strong (Core Set) 1x Olenna’s Cunning (Core Set) 2x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 2x Highgarden (Core Set) 2x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x The Mander (Core Set) 3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Aug 12 2015 05:01 PM
Last updated Aug 12 2015 08:14 PM
2 comments, 1204 views
First time deck builder c&c welcome!!
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Lion (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Storm of Swords (Core Set) 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 2x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set)
Character: 2x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Joffrey Baratheon (Core Set) 2x Ser Jaime Lannister (Core Set) 1x The Tickler (Core Set) 2x Tyrion Lannister (Core Set) 1x Burned Men (Core Set) 2x Lannisport Moneylender (Core Set) 1x Lannisport Merchant (Core Set) 3x Left (Core Set) 3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 3x Right (Core Set) 2x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 1x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set) 2x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 3x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set) 1x Wardens of the Reach (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Widow’s Wail (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x Growing Strong (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Cunning (Core Set) 1x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 3x Highgarden (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 1x Western Fiefdom (Core Set) 3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Aug 11 2015 09:16 AM
Last updated Aug 11 2015 09:16 AM
0 comments, 798 views
Tyrell Bounty
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Taxation (Core Set)
Character: 3x Randyll Tarly (Core Set) 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Varys (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 3x Left (Core Set) 1x Maester Lomys (Core Set) 2x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x Paxter Redwyne (Core Set) 3x Right (Core Set) 3x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 2x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set) 2x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 3x Garden Caretaker (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set) 3x Wardens of the Reach (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Heartsbane (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set)
Event: 2x Superior Claim (Core Set) 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x Growing Strong (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Cunning (Core Set) 2x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 3x Highgarden (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x The Mander (Core Set) 3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
, Aug 06 2015 06:04 AM
Last updated Aug 07 2015 08:36 PM
3 comments, 3052 views
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Power Behind the Throne (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Varys (Core Set) 2x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 3x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 2x Obara Sand (Core Set) 2x The Red Viper (Core Set) 2x Desert Scavenger (Core Set) 3x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 3x Greenblood Trader (Core Set) 3x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 3x Palace Spearman (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 2x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 3x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 3x Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Core Set) 3x Confinement (Core Set)
Location: 2x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Ghaston Grey (Core Set) 2x Sunspear (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Aug 06 2015 07:14 PM
Last updated Aug 06 2015 07:14 PM
0 comments, 724 views
Test Martell [Version: 2]
Preview Deck
This is a test
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Stag (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Storm of Swords (Core Set) 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Feast for Crows (Core Set) 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 2x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set)
Character: 1x Maester Cressen (Core Set) 3x Melisandre (Core Set) 2x Bastard in Hiding (Core Set) 1x Dragonstone Faithful (Core Set) 1x Areo Hotah (Core Set) 1x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 1x Doran Martell (Core Set) 2x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 1x Maester Caleotte (Core Set) 1x Desert Scavenger (Core Set)
Attachment: 3x Little Bird (Core Set) 1x Noble Lineage (Core Set) 1x Syrio’s Training (Core Set) 3x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 3x Doran’s Game (Core Set) 3x Confinement (Core Set)
Location: 2x Chamber of the Painted Table (Core Set) 2x Blood Orange Grove (Core Set)
, Aug 05 2015 05:35 PM
Last updated Aug 06 2015 01:57 AM
0 comments, 1057 views