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Bioroid Efficiency Research

Bioroid Efficiency Research

Bioroid Efficiency Research

Type: Operation: Condition
Cost: 3
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Faction Cost: 2
Rez a piece of bioroid ice, ignoring all costs, and install Bioroid Efficiency Research on that ice as a hosted condition counter with the text "Trash Bioroid Efficiency Research and derez host ice if all of its subroutines are broken during a single encounter."
Set: Creation and Control Number: 013 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
Recent Decks Using This Card:
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Compared to Oversight AI:
Bioroid only - don't bother trying to take it out of faction.
+2 cost, but for that, once the ICE is beaten, you don't trash it, instead it just derezzes.

This is going to be just amazing for Heimdall 2.0 and Janus 1.0. You get them up early for cheap, and then even if they do get beaten, you can still rez them again - like normal, or with another trick such as another copy of this, or PriReq.
It still stays on the ice even when derrezed so everytime the runner breaks it, it gets derrezed again. Still good early game.
No, it doesn't stay - "Trash Bioroid Efficiency Research and derez host ice if all of its subroutines are broken during a single encounter."
Ah, reading. Muh bad.
Jul 24 2013 02:54 PM
Nice synergy with Oversight AI and Shippment
It is time to really build that Bioroid Ice Fortress of Solitude.
3xThis + 3xOversight + 3xArchived memories + Vitruvius + Awakening Center + Howler
and you'll never pay this pesky rez cost for bioroids anyway:P
Bioroid Efficiency Reasearch isn't good with Bioroid ice subroutines that can be broken with clicks alone.

so it is very poor with with all the 1.0 ice, especially Heimdall 1.0.

fortunately, the 2.0 ice doesn't have this weakness.

fortunately, the 2.0 ice doesn't have this weakness.

Nope. Viktor 2.0 still has only 2 subroutines.
I can see a stupid expensive Bioroid deck, with this plus oversight AI, running Priority Req and ABT as agendas.
Not sure what I'd use for the ident, but I think there are now a critical mass of expensive bioroids for it.
About the only ICE this will be worth playing this on is Heimdall 2.0, Ichi 2.0 and Janus 1.0 (since the rest can be broken with clicks alone). Luckily, in all 3 cases that will make very effective central server defence, and there are other combo pieces available to rez these expensive ICE without paying, so it seems like a reasonable strategy.
Jul 25 2013 09:00 PM
So what if they break the ICE ... it's 3 cost to rez any expensive bioroid ICE. This significantly slows down the runner. Think of this as an economy card not necessarily a way to rez your ICE.

That said this card basically makes e3 a meta add for sure.

I can see a stupid expensive Bioroid deck, with this plus oversight AI, running Priority Req and ABT as agendas.
Not sure what I'd use for the ident, but I think there are now a critical mass of expensive bioroids for it.

Stronger Together is looking better than just a week ago, isn't it...
    • Icedman and Demi like this
What happens if the ice gets emergency shutdown? Do you have to rez it at full cost and then if it gets broken it gets de-rezzed again?

What happens if the ice gets emergency shutdown? Do you have to rez it at full cost and then if it gets broken it gets de-rezzed again?

Jan 08 2016 05:29 PM
Janus 1.0 anyone? You can't click through it, so you are forced to try to break it. That could cost the runner upwards of 8-10 credits unless they run Garrote. That's worth three credits and a card.

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