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Security Testing

Security Testing

Security Testing

Type: Resource: Job
Cost: 0
Faction: Runner Criminal
Faction Cost: 3
When your turn begins, choose a server. The first time you make a successful run on that server this turn, instead of accessing cards, gain 2 [Credits].
Set: Honor and Profit Number: 048 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Gong Studios
Recent Decks Using This Card:
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Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


May 05 2014 10:01 AM
A good card to go on charging Datasuckers in Archives while the Corp' trashes undying traps.
Or to farm on undefended remotes.
I am also wondering if these can stack on top of each other. For example can we put all three on archives and get 6 in one run?
May 06 2014 01:53 PM
No. You earn the credits instead of accessing the cards, and you access the cards only once.
But you can choose several different servers, and earn two bytes by run.
Does this work in combination with Feint?
Meaning: If I choose HQ can I trigger the access replacement effect of the resource if can't normally access?
May 21 2014 09:38 AM

No, you can't replace something that didn't occur.

Assuming two copies of this in play, what would be the effects? Same as if there was just one copy?

Nov 26 2014 10:32 AM

Assuming two copies of this in play, what would be the effects? Same as if there was just one copy?

You would trigger each copy of Security Testing at the start of your turn, choosing a server for each one (it can be the same server).  Then when you make a successful run on the chosen server(s), you can take the credits for each Security Testing instead of accessing cards.  You can't trigger two security Testing at the start of your turn, make the run, take the credits for one Security Testing and then access cards though.

Nov 26 2014 01:34 PM

Hmm not so sure about that.

One could argue thusly: If the "cost" to gain 2 credits is to forfeit card access for each copy of ST, and you can only logically pay that cost one time per run, you would have to tie them to different servers (and run them) in order to benefit from both ST

    • Meadbeard, suf and theamazingmrg like this
Nov 27 2014 11:09 AM

Hmm not so sure about that.

One could argue thusly: If the "cost" to gain 2 credits is to forfeit card access for each copy of ST, and you can only logically pay that cost one time per run, you would have to tie them to different servers (and run them) in order to benefit from both ST

You are correct.  It's covered in the FAQ under "Replacement Effects."  My bad!

If you pick a server with this at the start of the turn, and then subsequently make a successful run on it, do you need to take the 2 creds instead of accessing?

Jan 03 2015 10:17 PM

If you pick a server with this at the start of the turn, and then subsequently make a successful run on it, do you need to take the 2 creds instead of accessing?

Yes. Nowhere on the card does it suggest the effect is optional.

So you cannot stack effects like account siphon and Security Testing with itself.


Does Security Testing stack with Desperado?

So you cannot stack effects like account siphon and Security Testing with itself.


Does Security Testing stack with Desperado?




Keep in mind that Security Testing is not optional, as mentioned above: the first time you would access cards from a successful run on the chosen server each turn, instead you get paid.

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