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, May 02 2014 01:30 AM | Last updated May 02 2014 01:30 AM
RageType: Event Cost: 2 Force Icons: 1 Faction: Dark Sith Force. Control. Play only if the Balance of the Force is with the dark side. Action: Remove up to 2 focus tokens from a target unit that is committed to the Force. Block Number: 104 - 6 of 6 Set: Lure of the Dark Side Number: 532 Illustrator: Ryan Valle |
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Rules Question:
Let's say it's Turn 1 and DS player's starting hand isn't so great -- DS player would like to discard more than one card if they could. Let's say one of the cards DS player wants to discard is Rage.
Can the DS player on Turn 1 play a 2 cost "chud" unit, win the Force battle, and then after winning, play Rage on the chud even though the chud has no focus tokens on it?
Or does a unit have to have focus tokens on it in order to use Rage on it? I checked the FAQ but couldn't really find the answer. Thanks in advance!
FAQ 3.6 is what you're looking for - you're not allowed to trigger a card ability if none of its independent effects would change the game state. In this case, Rage's only independent effect is to remove some focus tokens, and if there are none to remove, the game state wouldn't change - therefore, you're not allowed to play it.
Thank you very much!! That makes sense. It didn't feel right when trying it, but getting a worse hand after taking a mulligan calls for desperate measures.