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Sith Holocron
, Sep 25 2013 05:46 AM | Last updated Sep 25 2013 05:56 AM
Sith HolocronType: Enhancement Cost: 0 Force Icons: 2 Faction: Dark Sith Item. Enhance your play area. Limited. Action: Sacrifice this enhancement to reduce the cost of the next [Sith] card you play this phase by 3. Block Number: 66 - 5 of 6 Set: Escape from Hoth Number: 310 Illustrator: Sara Biddle |
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Sithéon rush ,
But much better since you redraw all your used cards, making the card loss much less of a setback (don't get me wrong, losiung a card in SW is bad too, but not as bad as in GoT or MTG)
What do you mean you redraw all your used cards?
You always draw up to your reserve value in SW during the Draw phase. Unlike GoT.