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Holy Fusillade
Posted 25 February 2022 - 02:46 PM
- Jasonsew, Aaronmit, AliceMousa and 2 others like this
Posted 25 February 2022 - 04:12 PM
Greetings sharpobject
No, what Alexander (Cimadon) said back then was incorrect.
Holy Fusillade creates an extra round of ranged skrimish directly after the initial ranged skirmish, and if you can trigger the effect multible times (by having more than one copy of Fusillade in play) you can even resolve three or four rounds of ranged skirmish.
An excellent synergy with Cmdr. Starblaze and Sniper Drone Team, as they do indeed ready between each ranged skirmish round.
This has also been confirmed by the design team
- Veni, sharpobject, Jasonsew and 3 others like this
Posted 27 February 2022 - 10:17 AM
My pleasure!
I was surprised to see anyone post anything here - I only use this site for the deck builder, as my decks are all stored here; I was going to play against a friend the following day, so I logged on to do some deck building and saw your post
Hope you do well with Starblaze
- Veni, Jasonsew, Aaronmit and 1 other like this