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Meera Reed
, Sep 28 2011 02:47 PM | Last updated Jul 20 2015 07:42 PM
- Sssaasz likes this
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1. Action/Framework is initiated
2. Save/cancel responses
3. Action/Framework is resolved
=> Card enters moribound state at this point.
And yes if card is in moribound state it has already destination and can't change this.
michaelius: Not as much as the Maester's Path errata though
On the other hand Fortified Position (LoW) says "Treat all characters in play as though their printed text boxes were blank (except for Traits)".
So te text box includes: Character Abilities, Traits and Keywords? And it excludes only Crests?
Like in Magic they only use it for when the text is explanatory and would still apply according to the game's rules (which I first thought was the case for this game to, and that blanking never removed Traits), or that it would only be used for when the addition is very specific, like for Aggo's Bow... But no. No pattern in this game.
Anyone got a theory for when they are used in AGoT?
1. Adding a further restriction or exception to a rule just stated - Milk of the Poppy (Core) does this
2. Adding an optional alternative functionality with an additional play restriction to something just explained - Meera Reed (TftH) and No Use For Grief (DB) are examples of this
So.. Apprentice Collar actually "writes" the trait on the card, so that Milk of the Poppy would remove the trait gained from Apprentice Collar (if it did not exclude traits as it does)?
Also, some poeple don't know blanking a card also removes it's influence and gold bonuses. These 2 bonus are considered part of the text box. The FAQ has a short entry about that.