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Dunwich Denizens

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Wilbur Whateley

Wilbur Whateley

Preternaturally Intelligent
Type: Character Faction: Yog-Sothoth
Cost: 3
Icon: (T)(C)(A)(I) Skill: 3
Forced Response: After you succeed at a story to which Wilbu Whateley was committed, place a success token on Wilbur Whateley. Any time Wilbur Whateley has 4 or more success tokens on him, move him to his owner's won story pile as a won story for that player.
Illustrator: Linda Tso
Set: DD
Negotium Perambulans in Tenebris

Negotium Perambulans in Tenebris

Type: Conspiracy Faction: Neutral
Cost: 1
10 success tokens are required to win this story. Characters printed cost 2 or lower cannot commit to any story other than this one.
Illustrator: Patrick McEvoy
Set: DD
The Dunwich Horror

The Dunwich Horror

Bigger 'n a barn...
Type: Character Faction: Yog-Sothoth
Cost: 4
Icon: (T)(T)(C)(C) Skill: 4
Action: Choose an opponent. That opponent gains control of The Dunwich Horror, if able. If control changes, choose and destroy another character or a support card that player controls. This ability cannot be canceled or disrupted.
Illustrator: Scott Altmann
Set: DD
Lavinia Whateley

Lavinia Whateley

Somewhat Deformed
Type: Character Faction: Shub-Niggurath
Cost: 3
Icon: (T) Skill: 2
Action: Sacrifice Lavinia Whateley to search your deck for a Yog-Sothoth or Cthulhu character, reveal that character, and put it into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.
Illustrator: Linda Tso
Set: DD
Professor Morgan

Professor Morgan

Lean and Youngish
Type: Character Faction: Miskatonic University
Cost: 5
Icon: (C)(A)(I) Skill: 3
Investigator. Faculty.
Willpower. Toughness +1.
Response: After you draw Professor Morgan from your deck in any phase other than the draw phase, put him into play.
"Why do I keep being drawn into these things?"
Illustrator: Patrick McEvoy
Set: DD
Professor Rice

Professor Rice

Stocky and Iron Grey
Type: Character Faction: Miskatonic University
Cost: 3
Icon: (A)(I) Skill: 2
Investigator. Faculty.
Any time a triggered effect would cause a player to draw a card, that player draws an additional card.
Illustrator: Patrick McEvoy
Set: DD
Pocket Telescope

Pocket Telescope

Type: Support Faction: Neutral
Cost: 0
Attachment. Item.
Attach to a character you control.
Action: Exhaust Pocket Telescope to look at the top card of your deck. You may put this card at the bottom of your deck.
Illustrator: Felicia Cano
Set: DD
Hack Journalist

Hack Journalist

Type: Character Faction: Syndicate
Cost: 4
Icon: (A) Skill: 1
Criminal. Investigator.
Action: Exhaust and sacrifice Hack Journalist to choose a story and move all success token from one side of this story to another.
Illustrator: Carlo Bocchio
Set: DD
Cold Spring Glen

Cold Spring Glen

Unsettlingly Desolate
Type: Support Faction: Hastur
Cost: 2
Forced Response: After a player places a success token on a story, discard the top card of that player's deck.
Illustrator: German Nobile
Set: DD
Ancient Gold

Ancient Gold

Type: Support Faction: Syndicate
Cost: 2
Action: Shuffle Ancient Gold into your deck to reduce the cost of the next [Syndicate] character you play this phase by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Illustrator: Scott Altmann
Set: DD
Sentinel Hill

Sentinel Hill

Where Your Doom Awaits
Type: Support Faction: Yog-Sothoth
Cost: 2
Response: After a card changes control, exhaust Sentinel Hill to return that card card to it's owner's hand.
In the end, three men ascended the mountain alone.
Illustrator: Patrick McEvoy
Set: DD
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The Stone on the Peak

The Stone on the Peak

That Shocking Altar-Stone
Type: Support Faction: Shub-Niggurath
Cost: 1
Action: Exhaust The Stone on the Peak and pay X to shuffle the top X cards of any discard pile back into their owner's deck.
Illustrator: German Nobile
Set: DD
The Bootleg Whiskey Cover-Up

The Bootleg Whiskey Cover-Up

Type: Conspiracy Faction: Neutral
Cost: 1
Treat all characters committed to this story as if their text boxes were blank.
Illustrator: Carlo Bocchio
Set: DD
Whateley's Diary

Whateley's Diary

Cryptic Text
Type: Support Faction: Neutral
Cost: 3
Attachment. Tome.
Attach to a character you control.
Action: Pay 4 and sacrifice Whateley's Diary to redistribute in any manner all of your success tokens onto stories among your side of the story cards in play.
Illustrator: Tim Arney-O'Neil
Set: DD
Canine Guardian

Canine Guardian

Type: Character Faction: The Agency
Cost: 2
Icon: (C) Skill: 1
Response: After a character or support card you control is destroyed, sacrifice Canine Guardian to return that card to your hand.
Illustrator: German Nobile
Set: DD
Feathery Watchers

Feathery Watchers

Type: Character Faction: Hastur
Cost: 3
Icon: (T)(C) Skill: 2
Response: After Feathery Watchers are committed to a story during your turn, choose an opponent's non-Ancient One character. That character cannot commit to that story.
There came the sound of a panic-struck whirring and fluttering...
Illustrator: Felicia Cano
Set: DD
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Noises in the Hills

Noises in the Hills

Type: Event Faction: Cthulhu
Cost: 2
Play after all players have committed characters to stories.
Action: Choose a committed character you control. Uncommit that character and re-commit that character to a different story.
Illustrator: Arnold Doong
Set: DD
Professor Armitage

Professor Armitage

Old and White-bearded
Type: Character Faction: Miskatonic University
Cost: 4
Icon: (A)(I)(I) Skill: 3
Investigator. Faculty.
Heroic. Willpower.
Response: After one of your characters or a Tome support card you control is destroyed, name a card. Reveal the top five cards of an opponent's deck for a copy of that card and discard it. Then, shuffle that deck.
Illustrator: Patrick McEvoy
Set: DD
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Development Camp

Development Camp

Type: Support Faction: The Agency
Cost: 1
Action: Exhaust Development Camp to choose a character. That character gets +1 skill and a Combat icon until the end of the phase.
Illustrator: Patrick McEvoy
Set: DD
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Devil's Hop Yard

Devil's Hop Yard

Bleak and Blasted
Type: Support Faction: Cthulhu
Cost: 2
Disrupt effects cannot be triggered.
Illustrator: Tim Arney-O'Neil
Set: DD
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