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Greenblood Merchant

Greenblood Merchant

Greenblood Merchant

Type: Character House: Martell
Cost: 1 Strength: 1 Icons:
Game Text:
Challenges: Kneel Greenblood Merchant to choose a character. That character gains or loses an icon of your choice until the end of the phase. Any opponent may kneel 1 influence to cancel this effect.
Number: 112 Set: ARotD
Quantity: 3 Illustrator: dleoblack
Recent Decks: Bloodthirst 3rd UK nats after swiss (5W1L)
The Only Way is Orphan - Rayleigh, Essex (UK) Regional Winner 17/05/2014
lanni - conquest martel
Quentyn Aggro-Control
Martell Quentyn


If it couldn't be cancelled by an opponent for 1 influence, I think this card would be really good, especially in an icon removal deck. But it doesn't scream being worth the slot in a deck.
Oct 24 2012 05:59 PM
Agreed. If they'd at least bothered to give him an icon he could've earned a spot but as it is he's just a waste.
Oct 25 2012 02:55 AM
I disagree. He's add or remove an icon of your choice. Against an influence heavy Martell or Targaryen deck he's perhaps not optimal, but most other decks usually don't run much influence. He's also repeatable. I think this character is better suited for more aggro based Martell decks to give characters that missing icon for a To The Spears! turn.
I'm just going to say he is money with A Game of Cyvasse (ACoS)
he is solid period since .666 percent of houses run very few influence.
Nov 06 2013 06:54 AM
And when they do it's usually tied to a fiefdom or other effect the requires a kneel/discard for something else.

And when they do, it's because they want to use it on their own effects, so making them use it cancelling yours instead is a good thing.