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I am a phoenix player and I built this deck to show my friend I could make a crab deck that is better than his since he refuses to take advice from others while being extremely arrogant and obnoxious about his deck.
, Dec 04 2017 04:14 AM
Last updated Jan 07 2018 01:30 AM 1 comments, 2637 views
Swiss Rounds 5-1 I played against 3 scorpion, 2 lion, 1 crane. I lost from a scorpion 'cause i missplayed, otherwise i think i would have won it. Top 8 I lost from the winner of the tournament, which i practiced with in previous days. He did some last changes in his deck and that was enough to win me with the element of surprise.
, Dec 18 2017 10:50 PM
Last updated Dec 18 2017 10:50 PM 0 comments, 4366 views
Swiss rounds were pretty easy.I made it to top 8 with a 5-1
First round was vs Crane that it is one of my worst matchups but i had a great dynasty breakdown so i snowballed and broke stronghold in turn 3
Second round was vs a very good scorpion player that made me pretty anxious,i made a stronghold break at turn 6 never been under 5 honor the whole game
Third round I lost vs a lion(7th turn) that had a magistrate that pretty much made me something less than nothing xD and i had no rout,both of us hit eachothers stronghold twice.
Fourth round was a scorpion match up. It was scorpion dropbear spending no fate at any character he got so i won by turn 3
Fifth round was vs a phoenix that got me pretty low on honor but i had a stronghold break at turn 4 after getting him choked by card and field pressence.
Sixth round was a hard but fast game(21 min game) vs a scorpion we both had assasinations being played in turn 1 and 2 getting us to 3-4 honor each round we bid low so we had dynasty control,mines and a good court games won the field pressence so i got a stronghold break in round 5.
Top 8
Top 8 match was the most difficult game of the tournament for me.Crab vs Crab.I broke 4 provinces i had never bid 1 in the whole game but still had some honor left. I broke 3 provinces with iron mines on them so i could get the field pressence and pressured his card draw. he had early keeper iniciates so i focused on getting the earth ring in both offence and defence.I broke his stronghold at turn 10 with a force of 27.
Top 4
I played vs a very good player from our country the only one that had a 6-0 on swiss.I had a good dynasty/conflict but i tried to rush it down to his stronghold so i made a few missplays in the proccess that made me lose some key units early. I had no other choice but get a high bid to get me saved. Lost by dishoning eventually.
Finished top crab
, Dec 18 2017 08:18 PM
Last updated Dec 18 2017 08:18 PM 0 comments, 3630 views
Swiss rounds 4-1 in the swiss rounds(hoped for more rounds but it was a one day event) all of the swiss round games were 30-45 minutes.I finished almost first each time. I lost from my best friend's Crane/phoenix in the last swiss round,he scored 5-0 Top 8 I played vs a Lion deck,i had the field advantage from the start so my deck snowballed Top 4 I was nearly dishonored from a Scorpion/phoenix player.I high bidded twice to get the field superiority,almost lost from a display of power and the abuse of air ring Final I met again with my friend's Crane/Phoenix. It was a big game,he had me cornered for the four first rounds he broke 3/5 of my provinces and hit my stronghold twice.Our honor was even,he discarded 9 cards from my hand in total.I was breaking 1 province each round so he had only the stronghold province to protect.After wasting all of our good cards i made a good military attack and got his stronghold killed
, Oct 16 2017 11:56 AM
Last updated Dec 14 2017 08:47 PM 8 comments, 7657 views
Swiss Rounds (5-0) The 2 first rounds were won by dishonoring against lion and dragon and the rest 3 by breaking their Stronghold. The games were fast ( 'cause of Phoenix Splash). When i started playing Crane i was testing them with Scorpion Splash for board control but the games were too slow and most of the losses were by dishonoring. Top8 (Dragon/Lion) The game was even from the beggining until the end, but spending more fate on my characters (control) was the key to break his stronghold as he had only 3 against 6 of mine. Top4 (Scorpion/Phoenix) I was nearly dishonored but the draw mechanics and Kakita Asami saved my game. (MVP especially against scorpion decks). Final (Crab/Lion) I played again with my best friend which i met in the swiss. It was a tough game. I pushed him very hard, but it wasn't enought to break his stronghold, that i attack twice. I lost against a heavy military attack when he played the last card from his hand.
, Oct 16 2017 04:53 PM
Last updated Oct 16 2017 05:43 PM 8 comments, 9527 views
Pressure your opponents honor. Bid low on card draw and use cards like Watch Commander, Court Games, Levy and even Duelist Training to increase the honor pressure to force your opponent down to zero honor.
, Sep 01 2017 08:15 PM
Last updated Sep 14 2017 12:05 AM 1 comments, 4788 views
Crane Political aggro deck. Crane have a lot of ways to honor their characters and strong Political power, use that power for aggro attacks and constant pressure.
, Aug 27 2017 12:03 AM
Last updated Aug 27 2017 12:03 AM 0 comments, 1760 views
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
, Aug 08 2017 05:27 PM
Last updated Aug 08 2017 05:55 PM 0 comments, 1720 views