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Trench Run
, Nov 06 2012 05:06 AM | Last updated Nov 20 2012 09:36 PM
- Darikgrey likes this
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♦ Trench RunType: Enhancement Cost: 1 Force Icons: 2 Faction: Light Rebel Alliance Mission. Enhance the Death Star dial. This enhancement cannot be targeted. You may engage the Death Star dial as though it were a dark side objective (it is not an objective). If the dial has 10 or more damage, the light side wins the game. Block Number: 13 - 4 of 6 Set: Core Number: 0150 Illustrator: |
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I lost a game with Trench Run + Home One...that was awesome!
Ok, I can engage it as objective. Can I use rebel assault or other things against it? How about light side balance? Can do damage to it?
You can only engage it as an objective.
Rebel Assault: action deal 2 damage to target unit or objective. Is it a unit, nope, is it an objective, nope.
Target of opportunity: If you are the attacking player, deal 1 damage to the engaged objective. Is it an objective, nope.
things that target objectives do not work on the trench.
Easier than listing things that don't work with Trench Run is listing things that do:
-Blast damage
-Unopposed damage
That is all.
Recently thought about how interesting the Mission trait is going to be with the new Endor cycle coming up. Obviously all we can do at this point is speculate, but it is a fun thought.
Love the art on this. Really evocative with a super-retro quality.
Can Yularen or First or R&R throw off damage from this? I presume not because it's not an objective, but don't want to be wrong on it either.
They cannot. This is precisely why I ran Trench Run in my Regional deck. Turns out I didn't face a single Navy deck all day, but oh well.
Can the Secret Objective fate card be used to attack this 2x?
No. Trench Run explicitly says it isn't an objective, therefore it cannot be chosen as the target for Secret Objective's "choose an enemy objective" text.
This card has the mission trait. Does it work with anything that talks about missions like I want it to? My instinct says no and that it's just a huge tease.
It does not. Cards that are referencing the Mission trait will always use bold and italics as with other references to traits. All current cards reference the Mission card type (it is theoretically possible that they could printer further Mission trait cards and cards that reference it, but I find it unlikely as that would get pretty confusing).