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The Hunt for Gollum

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A New Terror Abroad A New Terror Abroad
Type: Quest
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Encounter Info: Journey Down the Anduin, Sauron's Reach, The Hunt for Gollum
Quest Points: 10
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, the first player looks at the top 2 cards of the encounter deck. Reveal and add 1 of those cards to the staging area, and discard the other.

The wood was full of the rumor of him, dreadful tales even among beasts and birds. The Woodmen said that there was some new terror abroad, a ghost that drank blood. - The Fellowship of the Ring

Rumors have led you to the eaves of Mirkwood Forest, where the Woodmen whisper of a new terror in the night...

Set: THFG Number: 12
Quantity: 1
Illustrator: David A. Nash
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Bilbo Baggins Bilbo Baggins
Type: Hero Sphere: Lore
Starting Threat: 9
Willpower: 1 Attack: 1 Defense: 2 Hit Points: 2
The first player draws 1 additional card in the resource phase.

"Well, my dear fellow," said bilbo, "now you've heard the news, can't you spare me a moment? I want your help in something urgent." - The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: THFG Number: 1
Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Tony Foti
Campfire Tales Campfire Tales
Type: Event Sphere: Leadership
Cost: 1
Action: Each player draws 1 card.

"It is a fair tale, though it is sad, as are all the tales of Middle-earth, and yet it may lift up your hearts." - Strider, The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: THfG Number: 3
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Felicia Cano
Dunedain Mark Dunedain Mark
Type: Attachment Sphere: Leadership
Cost: 1
Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains +1 ATK.
Action: Pay 1 resource from attached hero's pool to attach Dunedain Mark to another hero.

Set: THfG Number: 2
Quantity: 3
False Lead False Lead
Type: Treachery
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
When Revealed: The first player chooses and shuffles a card with the printed Clue trait back into the encounter deck. If there are no Clue cards in play, False Lead gains surge.

"There we had rumor of him, and we guess that he dwelt there long in the dark hills; but we never found him and at last I despaired." - Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring.
Set: THFG Number: 22
Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Even Mehl Amundsen
Flooding Flooding
Type: Treachery
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Doomed 1. Surge.
When Revealed: Remove all progress tokens from all Riverland locations.
Shadow: Resolve the "when revealed" effect of this card.

Set: THFG Number: 23
Quantity: 2
Illustrator: David Lecossu
Goblintown Scavengers Goblintown Scavengers
Type: Enemy
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Threat Threshold: 12
Threat: 1 Attack: 1 Defense: 0 Hit Points: 3
Goblin. Orc.
When Revealed: Discard the top card of each player's deck. Until the end of the phase, increase Goblintown Scavenger's Threat by the total printed cost of all cards discarded in this way.

Set: THFG Number: 20
Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Jarreau Wimberly
Hunters from Mordor Hunters from Mordor
Type: Enemy
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Threat Threshold: 34
Threat: 2 Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Hit Points: 6
Hunters from Mordor get +2 ATK and +2 Threat for each Clue card in play.
Shadow: Deal 1 damage to each hero with a Clue card attached. (3 damage instead if this attack is undefended.)

Set: THFG Number: 21
Quantity: 5
Illustrator: Igor Kieryluk
Mustering the Rohirrim Mustering the Rohirrim
Type: Event Sphere: Spirit
Cost: 1
Action: Search the top 10 cards of your deck for any 1 Rohan ally card and add it to your hand. Then, shuffle the other cars back into your deck.

"More speed we cannot make, if the strength of Rohan is to be gathered." - Eomer, The Return of the King
Set: THfG Number: 1
Quantity: 3
Old Wives' Tales Old Wives' Tales
Type: Treachery
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
When Revealed: Discard 1 resource from each hero's resource pool, if able. Exhaust any hero that could not discard a resource from its pool.

It climbed trees to find nests; it crept into holes to find the young; it slipped through windows to find cradles. - The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: THFG Number: 24
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Brian Valenzuela
On the Trail On the Trail
Type: Quest
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Encounter Info: Journey Down the Anduin, Sauron's Reach, The Hunt for Gollum
Quest Points: 8
Any player who does not control a hero with at least 1 Clue objective attached cannot commit characters to this quest. If there are ever no heroes with Clue objectives attached in play, reset the quest deck to stage 2B.

If the players defeat this stage, the players have once again found a true sign of Gollum's passing, and won the game.

"But at the western edge of Mirkwood the trail turned away. It wandered off southwards and passed out of the Wood-elves' ken, and was lost." - Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: THFG Number: 13
Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Carolina Eade
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Rivendell Minstrel Rivendell Minstrel
Type: Ally Sphere: Lore
Cost: 3
Willpower: 2 Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Hit Points: 1
Response: After you play Rivendell Minstrell from your hand, search your deck for 1 Song card and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.

As Elrond entered and went towards the seat prepared for him, Elvish minstrels began to make sweet music. - The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: THFG Number: 8
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Katherine Dinger
River Ninglor River Ninglor
Type: Location
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Threat: 2 Quest Points: 4
While River Ninglor is the active location, remove 1 progress token from it and from the current quest at the end of each round.
Shadow: Remove 1 progress token from the current quest. (2 progress tokens instead if this attack is undefended.)

Set: THFG Number: 17
Quantity: 2
Illustrator: David Lecossu
Signs of Gollum Signs of Gollum
Type: Objective
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Response: After the players quest successfully, the players may claim Signs of Gollum if it has no attached encounters. When claimed, attach Signs of Gollum to any hero committed to the quest. (Counts as a Condition attachment with: "Forced: After attached hero is damaged or leaves play, return this card to the top of the encounter deck.")

Set: THFG Number: 14
Quantity: 4
Illustrator: David A. Nash
Song of Kings Song of Kings
Type: Attachment Sphere: Neutral
Cost: 1
Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains a Leadership resource icon.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring:
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.
- The Fellowship of the Ring

Set: THFG Number: 10
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: John Gravato
Strider's Path Strider's Path
Type: Event Sphere: Lore
Cost: 1
Response: After a location is revealed from the encounter deck, immediately travel to that location without resolving its Travel effect. If another location is currently active, return it to the staging area.

"My cuts, short or long, don't go wrong." - Strider, The Fellowship of the Ring
Set: THFG Number: 9
Quantity: 3
The Eagles Are Coming! The Eagles Are Coming!
Type: Event Sphere: Tactics
Cost: 0
Action: Search the top 5 cards of your deck for any number of Eagle cards and add them to your hand. Shuffle the other cards back into your deck.

"The Eagles! The Eagles!" - Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit
Set: THfG Number: 5
Quantity: 3
The East Bank The East Bank
Type: Location
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Threat: 3 Quest Points: 3
While The East Bank is the active location, ally cards cost 1 additional matching resource to play from hand.
Shadow: If you do not control at least 1 hero with a Clue card attached, return this enemy to the staging area after its attack resolves.

Set: THFG Number: 18
Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Cristi Balanescu
The Eaves of Mirkwood The Eaves of Mirkwood
Type: Location
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Threat: 2 Quest Points: 2
While The Eaves of Mirkwood is the active location, encounter card effects cannot be canceled.

By the afternoon they had reached the eaves of Mirkwood, and were resting almost beneath the great overhanging boughs of its outer trees. - The Hobbit
Set: THFG Number: 16
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Timo Karhula
The Hunt Begins The Hunt Begins
Type: Quest
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Encounter Info: Journey Down the Anduin, Sauron's Reach, The Hunt for Gollum
Quest Points: 8
Setup: Reveal 1 card per player from the encounter deck, and add it to the staging area.

Forced: After the players quest successfully, the first player looks at the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Reveal and add 1 of those cards to the staging area, and discard the other 2 cards.

Gandalf has requested your assistance in the search for the elusive creature known as Gollum. Your search begins in the Anduin Valley between Mirkwood Forest and the Misty Mountains.

You make your way along the banks of the Anduin River, a likely place for Gollum to find food.

Set: THFG Number: 11
Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Igor Kieryluk
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The Old Ford The Old Ford
Type: Location
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Threat: X Quest Points: 2
X is the number of ally cards in play.
Shadow: Discard from play all allies with a printed cost lower than the number of Riverland locations in play.

Set: THFG Number: 15
Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Timo Karhula
The West Bank The West Bank
Type: Location
Encounter Set: The Hunt for Gollum
Threat: 3 Quest Points: 3
While The West Bank is the active location, attachment and event cards cost 1 additional matching resource to play from hand.
Shadow: if you do not control at least 1 hero with a Clue card attached, double this enemy's base ATK for this attack.

Set: THFG Number: 19
Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Cristi Balanescu
Westfold Horse-Breaker Westfold Horse-Breaker
Type: Ally Sphere: Spirit
Cost: 2
Willpower: 1 Attack: 0 Defense: 1 Hit Points: 1
Action: Discard Westfold Horse-Breaker to choose and ready a hero.

"Your own valour has done more, and the stout legs of the Westfold-men marching through the night." -Gandalf, The Two Towers
Set: THfG Number: 6
Quantity: 3
Winged Guardian Winged Guardian
Type: Ally Sphere: Tactics
Cost: 2
Willpower: 0 Attack: 0 Defense: 4 Hit Points: 1
Creature. Eagle.
Sentinel. Winged Guardian cannot have restricted attachments.
Forced: After an attack in which Winged Guardian defends resolves, Pay 1 [Tactics] resource or discard Winged Guardian from play.

Set: THfG Number: 4
Quantity: 3
Illustrator: David A. Nash

© 2011 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific permission. Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises. Fantasy Flight Games, Fantasy Flight Supply, and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.