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The Liberated Mind

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Type: ICE: Sentry - AP
Cost: 9
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Faction Cost: 4
When the Runner encounters Brainstorm, it gains “ [Subroutine] Do 1 brain damage.” for each card in the Runner’s grip for the remainder of this run.
has anyone heard from XStatic lately? -post on Members Only newsgroup
Strength: 2
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 86 Quantity:
Illustrator: Caleb Souza


Type: ICE: Sentry - AP - Psi
Cost: 4
Faction: Corp Jinteki
Faction Cost: 2
[Subroutine] Each player gains 2 [Credit] .
[Subroutine] You and the Runner secretly spend 0 [Credit] , 1 [Credit] , or 2 [Credit] . Reveal spent credits. If you and the Runner spent a different number of credits, do 1 net damage for each card in the Runner’s grip.
“Feel your consciousness expand and touch his. Now destroy it.”
Strength: 3
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 89 Quantity:
Illustrator: Adam S. Doyle
Consulting Visit

Consulting Visit

Type: Operation: Alliance - Double
Cost: 2
Faction: Corp The Weyland Consortium
Faction Cost: 3
This card costs 0 influence if you have 6 or more non-alliance Weyland cards in your deck.
As an additional cost to play this operation, spend [Click] .
Search R&D for an operation and play it (paying all costs). Shuffle R&D.

Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 94 Quantity:
Illustrator: Marya Yartseva
Dedicated Neural Net

Dedicated Neural Net

Type: Agenda: Initiative - Psi
Advancement Cost: 3
Faction: Corp Jinteki
The first time there is a successful run on HQ each turn, you and the Runner secretly spend 0 [Credit] , 1 [Credit] , or 2 [Credit] . Reveal spent credits. If you and the Runner spent a different number of credits, you choose which cards the Runner accesses from HQ for the remainder of this run.
Agenda Points: 1
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 88 Quantity:
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
Emptied Mind

♦ Emptied Mind

Type: Resource
Cost: 0
Faction: Runner Anarch
Faction Cost: 3
When your turn begins, gain [Click] if you have no cards in your grip.
“They cloak themselves in our shared heritage, in the wisdom of our religions, but make no mistake: they are terrorists and criminals.” -Inspector Lakhani, Cybercrimes Division
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 78 Quantity:
Illustrator: Natalie Bernard
Exchange of Information

Exchange of Information

Type: Operation: Gray Ops
Cost: 0
Faction: Corp NBN
Faction Cost: 2
Play only if the Runner is tagged.
Swap an agenda in your score area with an agenda in the Runner’s score area.

Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 92 Quantity:
Illustrator: Del Borovic
Guru Davinder

♦ Guru Davinder

Type: Resource: Connection
Cost: 1
Faction: Runner Neutral
Faction Cost: 1
Prevent all net and meat damage.
Whenever Guru Davinder prevents at least 1 net or meat damage, trash him unless you pay 4 [Credit] .

“This body that we inhabit is fleeting. We, all of us, can live forever.”
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 84 Quantity:
Illustrator: Alexandr Elichev
Information Sifting

Information Sifting

Type: Event: Run
Cost: 1
Faction: Runner Criminal
Faction Cost: 3
Make a run on HQ. If successful, instead of accessing cards, the Corp separates all cards in HQ into 2 facedown piles. Access all of the cards in one of the piles; you cannot access any cards in the other pile this run.
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 79 Quantity:
Illustrator: A. Jones
Liberated Chela

Liberated Chela

Type: Resource: Connection
Cost: 0
Faction: Runner Shaper
Faction Cost: 2
[Click] , [Click] , [Click] , [Click] , [Click] , forfeit an agenda: Add Liberated Chela to your score area as an agenda worth 2 agenda points. The Corp may forfeit an agenda to prevent this. If he or she does, remove Liberated Chela from the game.
“Let go your material attachments and realize that we are all immaterial.”
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 81 Quantity:
Illustrator: Elisabeth Alba
Out of the Ashes

Out of the Ashes

Type: Event: Run
Cost: 1
Faction: Runner Shaper
Faction Cost: 2
Make a run.
When your turn begins, if Out of the Ashes is in your heap, you may remove it from the game to make a run.
Limit 6 per deck.

Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 80 Quantity:
Illustrator: Kari Guenther
Puppet Master

Puppet Master

Type: Agenda: Initiative
Advancement Cost: 5
Faction: Corp NBN
Whenever the Runner makes a successful run, you may place 1 advancement token on a card that can be advanced.
Agenda Points: 3
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 90 Quantity:
Illustrator: Miguel Coronado III
Ravana 1.0

Ravana 1.0

Type: ICE: Code Gate - Bioroid
Cost: 3
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Faction Cost: 1
The Runner can spend [Click] to break any subroutine on Ravana 1.0. [Subroutine] Resolve a subroutine on another piece of rezzed bioroid ice.
[Subroutine] Resolve a subroutine on another piece of rezzed bioroid ice.
Strength: 5
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 87 Quantity:
Illustrator: Ethan Patrick Harris


Type: Event
Cost: 0
Faction: Runner Neutral
Faction Cost: 1
Switch your identity with another identity from the same faction. Remove Rebirth from the game instead of trashing it.
Limit 1 per deck.

“Who were you when you realized everything you knew was a lie?”
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 83 Quantity:
Illustrator: Hannah Christenson
Red Tape

Red Tape

Type: ICE: Code Gate
Cost: 2
Faction: Corp The Weyland Consortium
Faction Cost: 1
[Subroutine] All ice has +3 strength for the remainder of this run.
Bureaucracy. Noun. A shell-game played by the rich with prosperity as the ball. The trick is that there is no ball.-The Anarch’s Dictionary, Volume Who’s Counting?
Strength: 5
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 93 Quantity:
Illustrator: Tim Durning
Temple of the Liberated Mind

♦ Temple of the Liberated Mind

Type: Resource: Location - Ritzy
Cost: 2
Faction: Runner Shaper
Faction Cost: 3
[Click] : Place 1 power counter on Temple of the Liberated Mind.
Hosted power counter: Gain [Click] . Use this ability only on your turn and only once per turn.
It is rumored that g00ru himself studied at the temple, applying its teachings to cyberspace. Many runners have followed in his path, but none have reached its end.
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 82 Quantity:
Illustrator: Amit Dutta
The Noble Path

The Noble Path

Type: Event: Run
Cost: 0
Faction: Runner Anarch
Faction Cost: 2
Trash your grip. Make a run. Prevent all damage during this run.
“He with nothing to lose has strength beyond imagining.” -The Saffron Sutra
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 77 Quantity:
Illustrator: Chris Knight
The Turning Wheel

♦ The Turning Wheel

Type: Resource: Virtual
Cost: 2
Faction: Runner Neutral
Faction Cost: 1
Whenever a run on HQ or R&D ends, place 1 power counter on The Turning Wheel if you stole no agendas during the run.
2 hosted power counters: For the remainder of this run, access 1 additional card from HQ or R&D.
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 85 Quantity:
Illustrator: Alexandr Elichev


Type: ICE: Barrier
Cost: 0
Faction: Corp Neutral
Faction Cost:
[Subroutine] End the run.
A brand new invention.
Strength: 0
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 95 Quantity:
Illustrator: Seage


Type: ICE: Code Gate - Tracer
Cost: 5
Faction: Corp NBN
Faction Cost: 2
[Subroutine] Trace(5)- If successful, the Runner reveals his or her grip. Trash each of those cards with a play or install cost equal to or less than the amount by which your trace strength exceeded his or her link strength.
“It’s amazing how small we can write the fine print these days.”
Strength: 5
Set: The Liberated Mind Number: 91 Quantity:
Illustrator: Lili Ibrahim
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