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Against the Great Enemy Warpack Review
Sep 22 2016 12:00 AM |
in Warhammer 40k: Conquest
Against the Great Enemy warpack review conquest
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Death Serves the Emperor 4.4
Invasion Site 3.8
Kabalite Blackguard 3.6
Intercept 3.4
Jain Zar 3.2
Banshee Assault Squad 3
Dark Angels Vindicator 3
The Mask of Jain Zar 2.8
Abomination Workshop 2.8
Lictor Vine Lurker 2.8
Average 2.718181818
Sootblade Assashun 2.6
Repulsor Minefield 2.6
Purveyor of Hubris 2.6
XV25 Stealth Squad 2.6
Storm of Silence 2.4
Cloud of Flies 2.4
Quantum Shielding 2.4
Sickening Helbrute 2.2
Catachan Tracker 2
Imperial Power Fist 1.8
Kroot Hunting Rifle 1.8
Risen Warriors 1.6
Jain Zar

Asklepios - 4/5
This warlord creates "virtual card choke" for your opponent, as they have to overwhelm the inbuilt counter before they can get an effect through. Slightly worse than Eldorath, because the sig cards aren't as good, and because you can't employ the ability proactively.
Steinerp- 3/5
Same stats on both sides is a positive and good luck getting a targeted effect off, that said 6 hp and so few targeted abilities in the game does not make a good warlord. In some games she will be great but many she will be useless, find someone more consistent.
Corvus – 3/5
Her ability is blank in many matchups and often weaker than anything proactive. Consider Jain Zar vs Eldorath: any time they go to different planets, Eldorath gets full value out of his ability and Jain Zar gets nothing. Hopefully experience playing Backlash and realizing how few triggered effects in the game actual target has lead to more managed expectations for this warlord. Having said that, she may have a role protecting Elites from enemy control effects.
Warfather- 3/5
This warlord will be a pain for some, but do nothing to others. Only 6 hp, easy to push him away and then do your target effects. 2/6 on bloody side is nice.
Kaloo – 3/5
Strong ability, but the restriction makes her the prime target for attacks. Once she’s forced off the planet, or forced to command snipe instead, she’s effectively a blank warlord like Talyesin, only with the Warrior trait acting as a detriment since it can’t hide behind a Dire Avenger Exarch.
Banshee Assault Squad

Asklepios - 4/5
2 for 1/2/2 is the back-up option: you're meant to cheat this into play, punishing an opponent who has decided they can "throw away" an effect to draw out your warlord trigger. However, best combo here is Foretell, which has many more opportunity windows than most cancels.
Steinerp - 2/5
If she triggers she is ok, but the timing is still bad as she will usually have to survive an attack, but she can go to any planet so free command is always good. 2 for a 1/2/2 is just not good enough to make decks now a days.
Corvus – 2/5
As any Shadowsun player will tell you, running out 2/1/2/2 units is just a slow way to let your odds of winning the game bleed out. Ambushing them in is at least cost-effective, but the fact that the timing is under your opponent's control seriously decreases their utility. I think almost any deck would rather have a cheaper command unit or an Eager Recruit.
Warfather- 3/5
Ok stats for 2 cost, situational ambush…eh
Kaloo – 4/5
Pretty solid once it triggers, the only issue is getting it to trigger, but that shouldn’t be too hard given the warlord, sig cards and Nullify

Asklepios - 2/5
An interesting card, as it also intercepts beneficial targeted effects like... Boss Zugnog, Fetid Haze, Brutal Cunning... The problem here is as its a Support, your opponent KNOWS you can do this, so all it actually does is provide a little more virtual card choke, but in such a narrow way that its generally not worth deploying, save perhaps in narrow circumstances, like a badly damaged Ku'gath across the board sitting on 3 resources. If this wasn't in the context of Jain Zar's signature cards, it'd be a stronger pick, but here, its excess cancelling.
Steinerp – 5/5
Ignoring targeting restrictions is huge as it lets you move around whatever. Will create lots of bluffing and suspense about what to redirect (or at least would if she ever saw play)
Corvus – 4/5
Extends Jain Zar's protection to other planets and can also threaten to steal a beneficial targeted effect from your opponent, effectively putting Catachan Outpost and the like offline. One of those cards that suffers from being a 1-of since it really boosts your gameplan but you can't reliably draw it.
Warfather- 2/5
So this card can steal buffs or make your opponent Terror one of your lesser guys. Too easy to play around.
Kaloo – 4/5
Pretty strong. Outright stops your opponent from triggering certain abilities in the first place out of fear of reprisals, especially in the case of Mavros. Given it can also several dampen effects like Fetid Haze, and doesn’t have the Location trait, it’s pretty damn useful as a deterrent even if it’s never triggered
Storm of Silence

Asklepios - 3/5
A cancel played as an interrupt from hand is inherently strong, but the context here of being in Jain Zar's squad makes it a little bit of overkill.
Steinerp – 2/5
I’m fine with the ability but cost of 2 is too steep, even if your warlord does ready.
Corvus – 3/5
Helps you keep some defenses up after using Nullify. Much like Jain Zar's ability, this could be great or useless depending on the matchup. Good against Klaivex and Archon's Terror, less so if your opponent is running out Chaos Daemons and just plans to thump you with them.
Warfather- 1/5
How many targeted effects is your opponent going to do? You already stop one with your warlord and Nullify costs 0. Sure you have to exhaust your warlord, so maybe if you get hit with 3 targeted effects in a turn, in might be good.
Kaloo – 3/5
A cross between Nullify and Intercept. The readying the warlord part is hard to guarantee unless you plan on stopping your own targeted effect, but it’s nice if it does work (although hard to reliably combo). Quite expensive if your warlord isn’t getting readied, or if the readying is irrelevant, however
The Mask of Jain Zar

Asklepios - 3/5
Some 3-shielders you always use as 3 shielders, some you almost always use as an attachment. This is about halfway, and depends on your opponent. Against Ku'gath, you'll want it in play, messing up the Nurglings, screwing with the Warlord ability, and so on. Same against Eldorath. Against passive-effect heavy warlords like Aun'shi or Baharroth, this card is "just" 3 shields.
Steinerp – 3/5
Fun with nurglings. There are a lot more triggered abilities then there are “targeted†abilities so I can see this actually seeing play vs. some decks.
Corvus – 2/5
Most units don't have triggered abilities. Discouraging your opponent from triggering the minor ones isn't all that great, and 1 damage won't do much to discourage them from still using crucial ones.
Warfather- 3/5
Rated 3 for 3 shields. Unless you’re playing Zarathur, most likely not playing this card.
Kaloo – 3/5
Decent enough, but given all of the unit protection she’ll likely to want to run elites, meaning this conflicts with the STC. Still, it’s an ugly ass triple shield …
Dark Angels Vindicator

Asklepios - 3/5
Add +1 to the score for Gorzod, as 3 for 2/1/5 is a much better basis. This card is a weird one, as its expensive enough that you want consistent results, but it is weak in attack against warlords and against those big elites with no command that are getting more popular.
Steinerp – 2/5
Can only fight army units and will usually be a 2/3/5 or a 2/5/5 which isn’t great for a conditional 4 cost unit.
Corvus – 2/5
Loses quite a bit of value from being unable to fight warlords or tokens well. When this is effectively a 3/5 it's still pretty bad, and even if your opponent reliably has 2-command units to attack the stats don't really impress compared to some middling 4 cost units like Assault Valkyrie.
Warfather- 4/5
New Gorzod stable and Marines might play 1-2 copies. Nice way to deal with some of those high command elite army units.
Kaloo – 4/5
Maksim + Gorzod are happy. Hard to justify elsewhere (3/5 outside of those 2 warlords). Main issue really is it not being an elite
Imperial Power Fist

Asklepios - 2/5
A badly templated card, with the rules-gurus letting us know that you DO need a second unit exhausted to switch on the +5 attack. That condition, plus 2-cost, makes this card very hard to use.
Steinerp – 1/5
I’m going to dislike this card until Brad learns that “another†is different from “all other†in logical comparisons. Play it vs. me and it will be a 5/5 because I’ll fixate on killing it so I don’t have to look it. Play it vs. anyone else and it is too conditional and expensive.
Corvus – 1/5
Too expensive and too situational. Getting to attack for more isn't as interesting when you have to attack last, or never attack at all. Because you're dead. Play ion rifle instead. A guaranteed 3 ATK for 1 resource is better than an unlikely 5 ATK for 2.
Warfather- 3/5
Routing and exhausting still don’t care about your attachments. Real shame about the wording on this card. If the unit could get +5 while standing there by itself, it would be much better. I want to rate it a 2, but that one time you hit something for 7 with your librarian…
Kaloo – 2/5
The artwork is fantastic. The text, however, isn’t. What really hurts it is that it won’t trigger if it’s a lone unit at the planet
Catachan Tracker

Asklepios - 2/5
3 for 1/2/3 is all you get most of the time, and that's just not efficient. If Vezuel is unexpectedly dominating your local meta (weird meta you have) then consider it. Otherwise, into the binder.
Steinerp- 2/5
Too many null text boxes and hard counters one warlord.
Corvus – 1/5
This guy should have cost 2. His ability will be blank in most matchups, so he needs to lean heavily on his raw stats to make the cut, and boy do they disappoint.
Warfather- 2/5
Poor stats and an ability that will not grow with future sets.
Kaloo – 3/5
This remind me of the Death Krieg Korps; great against the right decks but useless otherwise. Still, at least it has a hammer
Death Serves the Emperor

Asklepios - 4/5
A very strong card, giving funky options to Smasha Gun decks, to ork/AM Elite decks and, sure, to those subpar Maksim decks.
Steinerp – 5/5
Huge tempo swing to get back all the resources your opponent just wasted. Compared to Fall Back! it gives you a ready unit at the next planet rather than an exhausted on for 1 less resource but requires you to have the second unit in hand.
Corvus – 3/5
Reasonable alternate economy for a deck with enough expensive vehicles. I think this may be better than Fall Back, which plays a similar loss mitigation role. Having the funds to play a new unit at a planet should be better than having the old unit at HQ most of the time.
Warfather- 5/5
A must in any vehicle deck. Too many times I’ve seen a huge army unit go down without doing anything. This card at least keeps you in the game getting your money back. If your army unit did accomplish something, then it’s a huge swing in your favor. Works with non-elites too, very nice.
Kaloo – 5/5
Best card in the pack. Useful with so many warlords, not to mention being the economy card that Maksim so desperately needed, without being too over powered
Sootblade Assashun

Asklepios - 3/5
Its another welcome tool for Zara/ork, and along with the other orky synergies perhaps just enough to make Zara/ork > Zara/DE. Besides Zarathur, though, this card just isn't quite up to scratch.
Steinerp – 3/5
This MIGHT find a home in Zarathur but I sort of doubt it.
Corvus – 2/5
I'd shun this one. Terrible if played faceup and poor facedown. Orks have better options if they want units with no command icons, and even when your opponent has exhausted units at the start of a fight, they're low priority targets, so the reaction will disappoint. There are some potential synergies with Zarathur and Smasha Gun, though.
Warfather- 2/5
“among exhausted unitsâ€
Kaloo – 3/5
Nice effect, however it’s just not enough anymore. If this came out last cycle I’d say it’s a solid Zarathur card, but now it’s just mediocre
Repulsor Minefield

Asklepios - 3/5
Interesting synergy with Rok Bombardment here, and a very Nazdreg-friendly timing. Like many orky tricks, however, its pretty expensive, so don't forget to run those Skrap Nabbas and Rogue Traders in the same deck.
Steinerp -3/5
Has some good synergies with the Chaos and Ork warlords but I not enough vs. elite and many swarms are token based already
Corvus – 2/5
Synergizes with Zarathur's damage boost, Zogwort's token-heavy fighting, and Nazdreg's brutal. You'd need to expect to face a lot of non-token swarms to really get the most out of it, so I don't think it makes the cut in the game's current state.
Warfather- 1/5
Doesn’t hurt tokens and doesn’t slow down elites.
Kaloo – 4/5
Quite strong, especially in conjuction with Zarathur or Rok Bombardment. Nazdreg’s especially happy since it boosts his Brutal for the attack itself
Sickening Helbrute

Asklepios - 2/5
Not a daemon, which makes this hard to work into chaos elite economy. The forced reaction makes it doubly weak against swarms. On the upside, it is the first Elite that can take pretty much every attachment in the game. Cybork Body please!
Steinerp – 3/5
9 HP and brutal is pretty good. But 7 cost is not. Not sure where this will live other than a binder, maybe in the Z warlords.
Corvus – 2/5
Not really sold on the stats. The selling point on Daemons is that they hit decisively before your opponent can do anything about it, while this does the opposite. An Elite deck's enemy is likely to have more attackers than him, so the reaction also disproportionately hurts you.
Warfather- 3/5
Huge cost with no Deamon trait. It could get a high attack at some point, but I rather play Possessed or Helldrake to get that right away. In theme decks with Cloud of Flies and field of haze, should be fun.
Kaloo – 1/5
This card feels confused. Would make a lot more sense if the effect was triggered upon a unit being declared as an attacker, which appears to have been the initial intention given “an†has been left within the text, but as it is it makes the Brutal hard to use, and as such will just sit as a 2 attack unit until everything else is dealt with. Interesting to see a vehicle unit that can take Wargear attachments, but the lack of a Daemon trait is almost devastating, given it’s nowhere near as good as Satherial or the Prodigal Sons. For its stats and price, I’d rather just play a Squiggoth
Purveyor of Hubris

Asklepios - 1/5
A very silly card, as all it hoses is swarms being deployed en masse to a single planet. It doesn't stop wide and cheap decks going wide and cheap, it doesn't stop the usual means by which swarm decks make swarms (resurrection orb, troop transport, warlord abilities, etc.). All in all, this is 4R for 2/3/4 and a weak anti-swarm ability in a faction with lots of strong anti-swarm abilities. Forget it.
Steinerp 3/5
Very good versus some decks, very bad versus others. Swarm isn’t exactly a chaos weakness so I don’t think he makes it into many decks.
Corvus – 3/5
Does some of the same things as Syren Zythlex, shutting down enemy deploys at one planet unless your opponent wants to neuter his own units. The fact that Elites bypass him and he costs 4 makes him considerably worse, but he could still find a home somewhere.
Warfather- 3/5
In a swarm meta, this guy would be king, but the meta is in a nice mix of swarm and elites. I don’t really see him hitting the table. Maybe Kugath’s new build can have one in deck?
Kaloo – 3/5
Another card that’s in the wrong cycle. This is a great card against swarmy decks, but could easily prove to be too hard to play in the current meta outside of a Kith/Worr matchup. The upfront cost doesn’t help either, and the stats are just below par if the ability’s not being used
Cloud of Flies

Asklepios - 2/5
Ask different people and they'll either be sad or relieved that it says "army" unit, as this could have been insane for Ku'gath. As it is, its decent for Ku'gath, but will find it hard to displace stronger cards from his decks.
Steinerp – 2/5
Gives some warpstorm protection to deamons I guess …. I don’t see 2 indirect being a huge deal.
Corvus – 2/5
This just doesn't do much. Doing 2 indirect damage is different from, but comparable to, giving the attached unit +2 ATK, and no one's in a rush to play Khornate Chain Axe. Which you forgot about since the last time I mentioned that everyone forgot about it.
Warfather- 4/5
2 indirect damage every combat round. Nurgle theme decks got a huge boost.
Kaloo – 2/5
If the Heldrake, Possessed or Bloodletters were Nurgle units this would be decent. Otherwise, mid-range Ku’gath decks are just not comparable to an elite Ku’gath deck, so this card simply doesn’t have the targets to be worthwhile.
Kabalite Blackguard

Asklepios - 3/5
This card is held back by the ability of opponents to counter it: destroy the unit, rout it, or whatever, and the opponent has spent 2R for blank 0/2/3. It comes into its own in a Morn deck, which is already built for resource advantage and which can get benefit from the Kabalite trait. So 4/5 for Morn, 2/5 for others. Could also be halfway decent for Anrakyr, who can create battles that your opponent has to let you win, but can struggle to keep the resource flow going.
Steinerp 4/5
Clearly a Morn card with the lack of a hammer but should keep her powered up on resources.
Corvus – 3/5
This might just be good enough to push a heavier Kabalite theme out of Morn. Played in the deploy phase it's only okay, since your opponent can win the battle or spend his money before you can steal it. Ambush it in with Rapid Assault, though, and you could have a devastating surprise swing.
Warfather- 4/5
Between this guy and Flayed Skull Slaver, your opponent’s warlord and only go snipe so many things. You will end up with a lot of money, and in some cases be choking your opponent even more. 4/5 in Morn, most likely 2 or 3 /5 in Kith and Urien. No command hammer.
Kaloo – 4/5
Very strong card, especially for Morn, but still good for Kith and Ku’gath. Loses a point due to the lack of a command icon, but it would probably be broken if it had one.
Abomination Workshop

Asklepios - 3/5
Its not as good a choke card as Archon's Palace, but being non-loyal gives it a place in Eldar/DE elite vehicle decks, and there's good synergy from decks that like to put cards in their own discard pile.
Steinerp – 2/5
Powerful vs. swarm but useless vs. elite. Move along nothing to see here
Corvus – 3/5
The effect is powerful in an Elite deck, but I'm skeptical. First of all, it's a dud against other Elite decks. Secondly, Elite decks got better once they focused on putting out unanswerable threats rather than trying to disrupt the opponent (with Sowing Chaos, Calamity, and the like). This could be a very strong disruption card but I'm still not sure it's needed.
Warfather- 3/5
Will be hard to fit into your deck and will do nothing in the elite mirror match.
Kaloo – 3/5
Interesting design. The fact it’s a support and is a HQ action means that you opponent can potentially play around it, but if it’s played as the last action of deployment then it’s pretty decent. Needs an expensive deck in order to be worthwhile, though
XV25 Stealth Squad

Asklepios - 3/5
Solid on paper, but anergistic with existing warlords to some degree. Shadowsun doesn't like a unit that isn't there to receive the free attachment. Aun'shi can get more mileage and synergy out of Aun'ui Prelate (though could take this card too). However, a very nice include for Vezuel, who is somewhat short on good cards to deep strike, and will likely be playing 3 Beleaguered Garrisons too.
Steinerp – 3/5
A fairly obvious ambush but good value in Vezuel. The only saving grace it has anywhere else is that Tactical Withdrawl will often be left facedown as well after deepstrike.
Corvus – 2/5
Shooting down mediocre Deep Strike cards is a tired, tiring thing to do at this point. It's a bad version of an ambush unit, I wouldn't play it with these stats even if it were a 4 cost ambush unit, and synergies with Vezuel or Beleaguered Garrison don't quite do enough to salvage it.
Warfather- 3/5
An okay card, being able to deepsrike in mid combat is a small surprise, but most people will be able to see it coming.
Kaloo – 2/5
Decent enough for Vezuel, but even then it’s not a guaranteed 3-of. Its ability makes the most of its high attack value but otherwise it’s a one trick pony given its cost, which isn’t too special
Kroot Hunting Rifle

Asklepios - 1/5
This card is Promethium Mine levels of slow most of the time, and is let down by saying "by" an attack rather than "during" an attack (which would have enabled AoE combos and other tricks). Too hard to use.
Steinerp – 2/5
Why doesn’t it give some sort of stat boost. Vezuel needs cheap deep strike cards and resource generation. This does both but so poorly that it might as well be blank (which might still be good enough for Vez).
Corvus – 2/5
Probably not playable, but I could maybe see running this in Shadowsun if you want some flexibility in terms of the resources you gain. Certainly not powerful or exciting, though.
Warfather- 1/5
You just paid 1 resource and a card to most of the time earn 0 back, break even, or make 1 resource net profit. This card will not do any better than that.
Kaloo – 3/5
Quite good on the Sniper Drone Teams, a little meh on everything else. It’s at least another solid card for Vezuel but nothing too special otherwise.
Lictor Vine Lurker

Asklepios - 3/5
A weird card, either 4 for 1/3/3 blank (terrible) or 3 for effectively 0/3/3 plus a random discard (middling). If this was anything but a tyranid card I'd rate this lower, but Tyranids really need more worthwhile 1-cost deploy actions for timing reasons, so this fits in there.
Steinerp – 3/5
A 3/3 for 3 isn’t what nids need. No real synergies with anything else in the faction.
Corvus – 2/5
Unplayable faceup, and, well, slightly less bad but still unplayable facedown. The command icon and 3 damage from a Pyrovore vastly outclass the average value of a random discard.
Warfather- 3/5
When deepstriking, its 3 for a 1/3/3 and a nice ability. If Tyranids had more discard options or could actually consistently win command, if would be really good, but by itself it seems like it won’t do much in the grand scheme of whatever your game plan is.
Kaloo – 3/5
This is simply in the wrong faction. Would be an amazing card in DE but the choking theme doesn’t exist in the Tyranids’ card pool, and as such the discard isn’t as effective as it could be. It does get an extra point for the discard being random, though
Invasion Site

Asklepios - 3/5
Its only "pseudo-unique", because its designed to leave play so you can run x3 safely. The main downside is that its Elite dependent, and Tyranid elite decks just aren't very consistent. On the upside, you can do this simultaneous with a Fall Back, so there's a fun alternate tyranid economy build we can do here.
Steinerp – 4/5
Similar to Death Serves but loses a point for being on the board.
Corvus – 3/5
Much like Death Serves the Emperor, a more proactive take on Fall Back, and potentially good in a deck that discounts its Elites and has enough of them to reliably have fresh ones in hand to play.
Warfather- 5/5
Same with Death Serves the Emperor. Playing Elites usually means losing in command, but cards like this get around that with an alternate resource plan.
Kaloo – 4/5
Weaker version of Death Serves the Emperor, but still strong. Benefits from being a deploy stall but loses the shield. I think it would have been perfect if it triggered off anything dying rather than specifically an Elite, but still potentially has use in the right decks. Space, as always, is the main issue
Risen Warriors

Asklepios - 3/5
Its okay: 1R for 0/2/2 and a tiny bit of surprise value. Printed cost of 3 is good protection against a lot of (vs 2- cost) effects while keeping it in range of Resurrection Orb.
Steinerp – 1/5
1 for a bad ambushing 2/2? No thanks, I’ll just play eager recruits instead.
Corvus – 1/5
Warfather- 1/5
1 cost for a plain old 0/2/2, sure it has printed cost three to protect against the 2 or less hate, but it’s still not seeing play.
Kaloo – 2/5
Great card if cheap hate is a thing in your meta, otherwise it’s just a worse timed Eager Recruit. Would be interesting in a Szeras deck with Hunting Acanthrites
Quantum Shielding

Asklepios - 3/5
Timing has been explored on this, and the +2HP does appear fast enough to save a unit that would have been destroyed otherwise. That makes this a better-than-a-3-shield for vehicles, and a 1-shield for everyone else. Obviously very solid for a deck which uses a lot of vehicles, which is a lot of Necron builds.
Steinerp -2/5
If the necrons get a non-Monolith vehicle next pack, maybe. But as is one target with a ton of HP already isn’t worth it. (Edit: Apparently Necrons have other vehicles already I’ve just wiped them from memory)
Corvus – 2/5
Would be a decent effect if the eligible units were plentiful and good enough, but that's emphatically not the case with Necron vehicles. The best among them, Monolith, isn't short on HP and requires you to have lots of non-vehicle units, so there's no real synergy to be had.
Warfather- 2/5
Great for that Necron vehicle deck you play…
Kaloo – 3/5
Very solid card … with one massive issue: there’s no targets! Would easily be a 4/5 if there were more eligible Vehicles, but as it stands it’s sadly not worth it
- NecRus888 and Zouavez like this
Apparently this pack sucks! Ha!
Seriously though, has to be one of the lowest-rated packs to date. And I can't say I disagree.
There have been a couple dud packs that got very low grade as well, like Descendents of Isha. But yeah this is definitely in the bottom 3 I think.
Immediately after rushing off this review, I tried to build a Quantum Shielding deck.
And yeah, its nearly impossible, mostly because of the fact it can't attach to non-Necron vehicles. All four Necron vehicles are decent, but each of them belongs in a different deck. The only deck I can really see working is Tomb Blade Squadron, Doomsday Ark, scouts of many factions, and Nahumekh. But its not great.
I WILL find a way to make this work though...
I didn't even notice that the Sootblade Assashun can only hit exhausted units when I wrote the review. Correct my rating to 1/5
Was it a weak pack, or did I finally drag everyone down to my level over the years with my relentless negativity?
It ... yeah, it was just bad pack. But I'd like to think I helped a little
The Dread Command Barge in the next pack adds a target, and given that it plus the Tomb Blades are non-elite units you could partner them up with the Doom Scythe Invader. Given the Tomb Blades also need a spread of scouts, and the Doom Scythes could benefit from things like Assault Valkyries etc, you could add in a Doomsday Ark or 2, which puts you up to around 10 targets which isn't terrible.

Problem is, I don't see that kind of deck ever working
Good point.
Yeah, echo that. That's what happens when I rush off a review over half an hour.
Basically, will be buying it for Death Serves The Emperor.
And Kabalite Blackguard if you are a Morn player.
This is a must buy for a Vezuel player. It brings his deepstrike cards to 21 cards, which allows beleaguered garrison to be consistent. Before this pack, beleaguered had problems of not seeing much deepstrike cards. Each deepstrike card synergizes with Vez, Beleaguered and deathstorm. Deathstorm tilts their value for me. I see a future for Vez where he can take down a helldrake with just deathstorm procs. Yeah, blackguard was reviewed as if it's non-loyal.
I tried playing the Power Fist in Aun'shi with Ambush Platforms and Even the Odds at the Nordics' side event this Saturday, and it is quite difficult to use (as well as being expensive without Ambush Platform(s)).
It only bashed in a significant skull once - in a legendary moment - when I used Even the Odds to move it from another planet to the only readied unit I still had left durring the fight at the first planet - a hapless Rogue Trader - only to see my Straken opponent use The Emperor's Warrant to have the now-jagged-up-Merchant destroy my Ion Rifled-Sniper Drone Team..
I lost that match, but it sure was hilarious