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Lord of the Rings
Playing the Hobbit the traditional way with LOTR LCG
Jul 30 2014 05:10 PM |
in Lord of the Rings
My experiences with Lord of the Rings LCG date nights and telling stories that are as close to the books as possible. Games are more fun when they make sense and they aren't just about the stats.
Read story → 1 comments Hobbit 2 player quest line dwarves co-op deck building
A beginners guide to Co-Op
Mar 04 2014 07:00 AM |
in Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings is a deck construction game, much like the other LCGs. The big difference of course is that this game is a Co-Op and not a duelling game.
This leads many new players and even some vets to grossly misunderstand the basics of deck construction for this game that guides the creation of strong Co-Op decks. A misconception that is exacerbated by the fact that for the official solo player rules there is a completely different methodology to construct decks than there is for Co-Op.
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Lord of the Rings, WasteMaLife
The Race Against the Shadow
Feb 05 2014 06:05 AM |
in Lord of the Rings
What? A LOTR tournament? Yes, you are reading that correctly. There is a fun and lively tournament format for the LOTR LCG, and you should give it a try! The Race Against the Shadow format provides a competitive venue for our favorite cooperative Living Card Game, The Lord of the Rings. This article provides a brief overview of the format and a tournament report for a recent Race Against the Shadow event held at the FFG Game Center in Minnesota.
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Lord of the Rings and 1 more...
Cardboard of the Rings Episode 51!
Oct 21 2013 12:00 AM |
in Lord of the Rings
After a hiatus on CardgameDB Brandon clues in and simply posts a link! Join the guys coming off the episode 50 high as they discuss Assault on Osgiliath, take a look at the player cards from Black Riders and discuss their preference of the Saga expansions or the "main quest". Overall it is a wonderful episode and we hope you enjoy it!
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Returning the Ring
May 15 2013 05:05 PM |
in Lord of the Rings
I have spent several months away from the Lord of the Rings LCG and now I'm trying to get back into the groove by building a new deck to start tackling the new quests.
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Lord of the Rings, DigitalCulture
Of Combos And Men 4: It's a Songspiracy
Aug 30 2012 03:00 AM |
in Lord of the Rings
Following up on last weeks article, here is one way to build a fun deck around the Song of Earendil (RtR). Additionally the basic strategy is to avoid treacheries, hard-counter locations and soft-counter enemies.
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Of Combos And Men, sirprim and 3 more...
Of Combos And Men 3: All Your Threat Are Belong...
Aug 23 2012 02:00 AM |
in Lord of the Rings
What time is it again? Right, time for some crazyness.
Todays combo is going to give the ultimate threat control, you will not find a better threat deal than this unless you are able to reduce each players threat to zero
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Of Combos And Men, sirprim and 2 more...