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Days of Blood Card Reviews

Warhammer: Invasion Review Days of Blood Eternal War

Eternal War - Days of Blood Review

62% 186 out of 300

Asmoridin, Skelton, and Toqtamish put together a quick review of the cards of the newest battle pack Days of Blood. We’ve used a one through five scale; five being the best. The cards are listed in numeric order. Our reviewers are listed in alphabetical order. Disagree with our assessment? Let us know!

Interested in helping out with these Warhammer: Invasion reviews in the future? Send Darksbane a message and let him know.

An neutral tactic Muster for War takes the top spot this month and Bordertown finds itself on the bottom.

Top 4
Muster for War 15 out of 15
Magic Ward, Shadowlands Hunter, and Chill Sea Watchtower 13 out of 15

Bottom 3
Bordertown 4 out of 15
Reckless Attack Warboss Banna 6 out of 15

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_crone-hellebron-dob.png']Crone Hellebron 10 out of 15

Asmoridin - 3 out of 5 rating
This is a tough one, because it’s really hard to tell how well this is going to work. I enjoy the idea of new, cheaper, legends, but needing to drop three zones really sucks. However, if you’re running her, you’re obviously going for a different win condition... but it seems like games are over well before you’re going to get that to go off, so even in decks focused around that, she still might not see play. I’m not quite sure how she fits in... yet.

Skelton - 3 out of 5 rating
I like this card. I think it can add teeth to the mill deck. The lack of Hammers in the Kingdom and Quest Zones is a little disappointing but for the cost I believe she is very cost effective.

Toqtamish - 4 out of 5 rating
I am a big Dark Elf fan and I also enjoy mill decks. She is very affordable and the drawback of needing to burn 3 zones is not as much an issue for her as that is not what you are likely trying to do to win the game. I like that she has two power in the battlefield zone. I do not like is that she must be participating in the combat for her mill ability to be effective but that might not be so bad as she does add two power to the attack. That and it seems if you are winning these battles and doing damage to the capital and milling as well you are going to win for zones burned before you mill your opponents deck. Almost makes her seem like a “win more” card.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_capture-slaves-dob.png']Capture Slaves 10 out of 15

Asmoridin - 4 out of 5 rating
I really like the trend from FFG to make quests you play on your opponent’s side of the board. These genuinely feel like ‘quests’- you’re going over and trying to accomplish something. This card in particular really excites me. Yes, you’re not dealing (as much) damage to the capital if this is out, but if this goes off, it could be a very major swing. In addition, you learn quite a bit about the contents of your opponent’s deck, which never hurts. The major problem, of course, is the recent trend of decks that don’t run as many units (like the World’s winning deck this year). I suspect you’ll have enough matchups where this is good that it’ll be a useful card, however.

Skelton - 3 out of 5 rating
I’m not sold on this card. Seems a little too slow. Taking control of a potential power card could be useful but as pointed out earlier some decks barely run any units. Nice to sift through your opponent’s deck though.

Toqtamish - 3 out of 5 rating
It is an interesting quest and I do like the direction of letting you play quests in your opponent’s zone. But it also seems too situational as you cannot guarantee there will even be a unit in the top 5. If you end up not getting a unit from it will feel like a wasted card and puts you down 3 damage from where you could have been.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_bride-of-khaine-dob.png']Bride of Khaine 10 out of 15

Asmoridin - 3 out of 5 rating
Do they not proofread the flavor text? YOUR. C’mon. Regardless, I’m really excited about the new Ambush mechanic. This card in particular seems really awesome to me. A 2 cost unit with 3 effective power when it’s revealed, AND 3 hit points? That’s a great deal! Of course, does this really fit into any Dark Elf builds at the moment? I don’t know. Future cards from this set will determine how often these Ambush cards are actually used.

Skelton - 4 out of 5 rating
The ambush mechanic seems like it has a great deal of potential especially when combined with what is certainly a kill effect. I really like this card.

Toqtamish - 4 out of 5 rating
That spelling mistake will drive me nuts. I really like this card otherwise. The card’s ability is a kill effect that your opponent will not see coming until it is too late. Three health is an added bonus.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_chill-sea-watchtower-dob.png']Chill Sea Watchtower 13 out of 15

Asmoridin - 4 of 5 rating
This is basically a Contested Village with an easily managed drawback. You can still play non-DE tactics, which is your most likely use for out of faction cards, so I don’t see the drawback as a big deal. So... Contested Village + a Loyalty Icon that you can play multiples of in a single turn? Sweet.

Skelton - 4 out of 5 rating
Contested Village again but faster and with the added bonus of loyalty for future turns. The drawback will hardly ever be an issue either. Very good card.

Toqtamish - 5 out of 5 rating
I see no drawback on this card at all. 1 power, 1 loyalty icon, 1 cost. Yes please. Automatic 3 of in my DE deck.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_veteran-thunderers-dob.png']Veteran Thunderers 7 out of 15

Asmoridin - 3 out of 5 rating
I don’t know... the whole ‘unspent resource’ thing that Dwarfs are going to be doing now may end up making this a great card, but until we see what that ends up giving them in terms of new capabilities, it’s hard to make a judgment how good this card is going to be. 2 cost, 1 pow, 2 Hit points with a decent ability is pretty standard for Dwarf cards, so this doesn’t excite. For a raider card, it seems to have low hit points though, which may make its ‘decent ability’ fairly worthless.

Skelton - 2 out of 5 rating
Seems somewhat uninspiring. May see use in certain decks but unlikely to replace existing fan favourites.

Toqtamish - 2 out of 5 rating
Just does not seem like anything great. The raid of 2 could be good but with only two hit points very vulnerable.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_doors-of-karak-hirn-dob.png']Doors of Karak Hirn 11 out of 15

Asmoridin - 3 out of 5 rating
I will really have to try using this card before I can say it’s going to be strong, but I certainly think it’s going to be a major improvement to a Dwarven deck (or even useless when facing indirect damage decks). I feel like this is going to be nice though- throwing it in a zone you will have under-defended will force your opponent to attack into a stronger zone, and with Dwarfs, that’s a fight that can become very advantageous. With the Eltharion decks running around though... this seems like it may need a slight meta shift before getting all the way there.

Skelton - 4 out of 5 rating
Seems to me this is a very good card. Funneling your opponents into attacking certain zones can be very advantageous for Dwarves. I am slightly concerned by the cost but I’m sure if handled correctly will prove golden.

Toqtamish - 4 out of 5 rating
I like it, very solid card. Forces your opponents into zones that are likely better defended. A very strong defensive card which fits the Dwarves well.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_ludwig-schwarzheim-dob.png']Ludwig Schwarzheim 11 out of 15

Asmoridin - 4 out of 5 rating
I really love the concept of the card, and I’m optimistic it’ll be pretty useful. It’s power and hit points are roughly on par with other 4 cost empire units, and being a Knight can be handy (Steel Standard can keep Ludwig alive long enough to start doing some major damage soaking for later). I’m fairly certain your opponent is going to target this guy early, however, but I really think you’re going to be able to get your resources worth with him.

Skelton - 3 out of 5 rating
I think in the right circumstances this guy can be a workhorse. Growing tougher every turn will ensure he survives against everything except Dark Elf decks. He has a good damage potential as well for the cost. Decent card.

Toqtamish - 4 out of 5 rating
I really like the idea of him gaining experience as he survives battles. Very powerful unique for the Empire. As he survives more battles he will become stronger and harder to kill so I expect him to be a target early on when he hits the table.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_middenheim-lookout-dob.png']Middenheim Lookout 8 out of 15

Asmoridin - 2 out of 5 rating
The ambushing ability doesn’t impress me, although it’ll certainly be helpful. For an early game card, it’s going to be nice- if you have a decent unit in your battlefield, and drop the Lookout into either your Kingdom or Quest zones, you’ll be able to soak damage with the lookout, and move a unit to give you resources/cards for next turn, which is handy... but it’s a pretty weak move effect, and there are plenty of good cheap early game Empire cards already. I don’t know that I like him.

Skelton - 3 out of 5 rating.
In the time I have been playing this game I have never once played Empire. (I was always a Bretonnian man as far as the realms of man went) Even so, I’m sure there are some shenanigans that can be pulled off with this card. For its cost I think it’s a good card. Certainly not game breaking but has potential.

Toqtamish - 3 out of 5 rating
Card certainly has potential and shows more of the movement abilities that the Empire is famous for. Can certainly help to bolster a lightly defended zone that your opponent might have been expecting to take easily assuming you have a unit to move into the zone that will help you.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_midden-moors-watchtower-dob.png']Midden Moors Watchtower 7 out of 15

Asmoridin - 2 out of 5 rating
Great, you’ll be able to potentially stop an opponent from playing a Tactic while he’s attacking the zone. Looking at your opponent’s hand is helpful, but this card’s ability to stop a card from being played is so unreliably useful that I don’t see it getting used much, if at all.

Skelton - 3 out of 5 rating
Knowledge is power. Being able to do something with that knowledge is even better. Looking at your opponents hand and potentially denying him a key card could be very useful, but quite often it will have no real use. In the right circumstance this card will be amazing, a lot of the time though it will be useless.

Toqtamish - 2 out of 5 rating
Very situational and could at times be a dead ability. I can certainly see its uses and it will at times help to win a battle but not often enough. Being able to see your opponents hand is always a good thing.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_great-fire-dragon-dob.png']Great Fire Dragon 9 out of 15

Asmoridin - 3 out of 5 rating
I have difficulty figuring out this card’s place. For its cost, it’s a much stronger offensive card than High Elves have already. Three power plus some additional directed damage is actually a pretty good deal, especially combined with the other High Elf resource cards. However, High Elves (especially those based around tokens) generally won’t have use for five cost units. Probably not going to get much love, unfortunately.

Skelton - 3 out of 5 rating
Another big Dragon for the High Elf deck. There are probably better options out there for the Dragon decks but it still has good cost to hammer ratio. The ability may prove useful in getting rid of certain characters but I feel it’s a little slow to be a real threat.

Toqtamish - 3 out of 5 rating
I love big dragons. The ability is very thematic and I like it as it can easily be seen as representing the fire breath of the dragon. That being said it is very expensive and I am just not sure that even with its breath weapon it is worth the cost. Seems like there are better options out there.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_shadowlands-hunter-dob.png']Shadowlands Hunter 13 out of 15

Asmoridin - 4 out of 5 rating
This card is pretty awesome, if you ask me. After ambushing, it’s cheap for its power and hit points, and adds a resource token to the board. It’s actually a pretty good value, and if ambushing catches on, it could end up being quite commonly used.

Skelton - 5 out of 5 rating
This card is sweet. Ambushing in and messing around with tokens on existing cards can open up so much for a deck. Speeding up any resource reliant cards for a meagre cost is never anything to sniff at.

Toqtamish - 4 out of 5 rating
I do like this ambush mechanic and the ability is really good too. Can even be used in conjunction with the Fire Dragon in the pack to help pump up its fire breath. Has a good cost to power/health ratio.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_magic-ward-dob.png']Magic Ward 13 out of 15

Asmoridin - 4 out of 5 rating
This is a great control card, both as an offensive tool and a defensive tool. I don’t know that it’ll be a staple, but it’s certainly going to be something that I’ll be running in several High Elf decks, and expect to see the same.

Skelton - 4 out of 5 rating
Fantastic card. Being able to shut down opposing units, even for a turn is priceless. High Elves still have some of the best control cards in the game and this adds an extra level to any of their decks. I can see many uses for this card and think it will become a staple.

Toqtamish - 5 out of 5 rating
Wow great card for controlling the game. Very decent cost for such a powerful ability. Timed right can have a major impact on the board. I see this card being a commonly used card in High Elf control decks.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_idden-boy-dob.png']'Idden Boy 10 out of 15

Asmoridin - 3 out of 5 rating
As I've mentioned (probably every chance), I’m really excited about the Ambush mechanic, and this card’s rating is really influenced by it. It’s a solid early defensive card in a faction that probably doesn’t care too much about defense, but will still be helpful wherever it is as an attacking unit or Kingdom/Quest support.

Skelton - 3 out of 5 rating
I like this card a lot. It’s sneaky. It has awesome hammer to cost ratio, especially on the turn you ambush in. Very cost efficient card.

Toqtamish - 4 out of 5 rating
1 cost for a 3 power defender is very potent. Can certainly help to swing that battle in your favor. This will be a card to watch out for when playing against Orcs.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_banna-bearer-dob.png']Banna Bearer 7 out of 15

Asmoridin - 3 out of 5 rating
Most rush decks don’t seem to run Heroes or legends, so this card won’t see much use from that, but with the recent packs, FFG seems to be trying to give Orc decks some options. I could see this guy being handy in some varieties of Orc deck. Two resources make him a VERY cost effective Orcish unit with no downside.

Skelton - 2 out of 5 rating
I would have rated this card higher if I thought it would see play. Orc decks aren’t known for running Heroes. However in the right deck this card could be golden and incredibly efficient.

Toqtamish - 2 out of 5 rating
In the right deck is a great card as it is 2 cost for 2 power and 3 health. Nothing wrong there. Definitely a card that needs to be in a deck designed to make use of it and Heroes/Legends. Outside of that will not see play. Good card for trying to entice players to try out some of the Heroes and Legends for Orcs and different deck builds.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_warboss-banna-dob.png']Warboss Banna 6 out of 15

Asmoridin - 3 out of 5 rating
Now, this is a card that’s going to be more useful in a rush deck, with its zero cost and easy boosting ability. I don’t feel like this is an exceptional card, but it’s something that I could see use for. Sometimes you need the power more than you need the units, after all.

Skelton - 2 out of 5 rating
I’m sure it has potential in a true rush deck but it doesn't really appeal to me. I’d rather keep the units in my hand for future turns. I will probably change my mind when someone uses this against me.

Toqtamish - 1 out of 5 rating
I really don’t like this card. I can see its use at times but most of the time I feel like I would rather the units and be able to get more use out of them rather than as a one time boost.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_norse-marauders-dob.png']Norse Marauders 9 out of 15

Asmoridin 3 out of 5 rating
Moderately pricey, but overall decent stats for its cost. It’s unexciting, but the Raider keyword on this card at least has some potential to pay off, and it could quickly recap its cost if your opponent doesn’t direct some damage on it early. There are plenty of good tactics for Disorder players to run, so these guys could be kind of cool in some decks.

Skelton - 3 out of 5 rating
Seems like a good card. Well costed and could prove useful provided he doesn’t become a target for your opponent. Awesome quote too.

Toqtamish - 3 out of 5 rating
Almost feels like it is over costed. But the ability to grab 3 resources seems like it could easily make up for its cost very quickly. 3 health so it should survive a battle or two. Love the flavor text.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_ghorgon-dob.png']Ghorgon 7 out of 15

Asmoridin - 2 out of 5 rating
The ability is pretty bad, but in a Brayherd deck this card is going to be awesome, and in a lot of decks, you’ll be running enough units that he’ll be fine. However... there’s always a chance you’ll be spending two resources for NOTHING, and it’s not easy to mitigate that yet (any card that does any management of the top of your deck doesn’t see a lot of play). You could always use him as a very efficient defender... but the Battlefield is the zone he’s least helpful in that regard. One day, this guy is going to be awesome, no doubt, but that day isn’t now.

Skelton - 3 out of 5 rating
In the right deck this guy can be a monster. He’s too risky to be thrown into decks casually but not strong enough to have decks built around him. I agree that in a Brayherd deck he will be a powerhouse.

Toqtamish - 2 out of 5 rating
In the right deck amazing card with incredible stats. Very beefy. Definitely going to need to be put in to a deck designed to counterbalance his drawback as much as possible. A card I would like to build into a Beastman deck build.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_reckless-attack-dob.png']Reckless Attack 6 out of 15

Asmoridin - 2 out of 5 rating
I feel like this card is going to see play, and will be useful to end the game often enough that people will run it, but I couldn’t see running this in any deck of mine. It doesn’t fit my style of play, and the potential drawback of running it is just awful. No thanks.

Skelton - 2 out of 5 rating
This is one of those cards that can give you the win and I’m sure someone somewhere will make this card work to devastating effect. Personally I think it’s too risky to see a lot of play. Should your attack fail then you lose everything and likely the game. I’ll pass.

Toqtamish - 2 out of 5 rating
Only reason this card did not get 1 out of 5 is because I can see it being a strong end game card to finish off your opponent. Even with that its drawback is too powerful. Maybe have 1 in a deck for when you need that last big push at the end of the game and it is do or die time. If you are going to die next turn anyway might as well play this, if it works awesome, if it doesn’t you were dead anyway.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_bordertown-dob.png']Bordertown 4 out of 15

Asmoridin - 1 out of 5 rating
I actually didn’t think this card was too terrible originally (only Orcs have a 2 Pow 2 Cost Support), but after trying it in a few situations, I never get any use out of it. It’s too easy to get rid of, and it’s just resources that you’re going to spend that aren’t likely to give you anything useful in return. I don’t see it being played.

Skelton - 2 out of 5 rating
I want to like this card. On sheer economy it is amazing but the downside is practically crippling.

Toqtamish - 1 out of 5 rating
The drawback on this card is not enough to make me want to put it into a deck. Two power for two is great for any zone but the Forced action just makes the card not good.

[CRB='forums/uploads/wi/med_muster-for-war-dob.png']Muster for War 15 out of 15

Asmoridin - 5 out of 5 rating
There’s a good bet this card is going to see a lot of play. The fact the card is limited actually helps balance it some with other early game cards (and itself), but not enough, most likely- this is a great start if you’re the second player, and a good card to help you catch up if you find yourself falling behind.

Skelton - 5 out of 5 rating
I imagine this card will be used an awful lot. Extra resources and Card draw on a turn where you are playing catch up is huge. This can turn the tide of a game in itself. This card is probably the most useful in the set in my opinion.

Toqtamish - 5 out of 5 rating
This card is amazing. The drawback is really not that big a deal especially in the early game when you are building up. I see this card seeing a lot of play to the point it might end up restricted because it is in every deck. Very powerful card with next to no drawback.
  • Kennon, camipco and Caribou like this


I think Chill Sea Watchtower is only a 4/5 card - DE Control decks usually look to take control of opponents cards, but as soon as you do so, you have to sacrifice this support card, and similarly the Blood Dragon Knight &/or Wight Lord are often staples in such decks, but now conflict with this support card.
Chill Sea Watchtower - and it's friends - are only going to be played in decks that for some reason aren't running Warpstone - perhaps because they need some other restricted card. In those decks, they will be awesome. Otherwise, warpstone is just too good to take out for these. If Muster does get restricted (which I agree, seems likely) then the Watchtower family will see significantly more play.
You two should join on the next go review go-through. When I saw Chill-Sea Watchtower, I really only thought of the style of Dark Elf decks I run, which surprisingly, don't focus a whole lot on taking control of my opponent's units. I'd love to see some extra opinions on these cards!
Where are the next couple of packs, boys? Chop chop! I need to publicly deride other people's opinions of newer cards! :D

In seriousness, it's good to get discussion going on new cards with posts like this. Good effort, keep going!