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All and Nothing
Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Phoenix
Spell. Void.
Interrupt: When you would resolve the [Void] ring effect, choose another ring – resolve that ring’s effect instead. Draw 1 card.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 95
Illustrator: Mocaran
Type: Province
Strength: 3
Clan: Neutral
This province gets +2 strength while you have a Void role.
Interrupt: When this province is broken – put a character into play from one of your provinces or from your hand.
Interrupt: When this province is broken – put a character into play from one of your provinces or from your hand.
Element: void
Deck: Province
Number: 82
Illustrator: Joyce Maureira
Type: Holding
Strength: +1
Clan: Phoenix
Action: if you control a Scholar character – discard a card in a province and refill it faceup.
Peace is far from tranquility when there is so much to learn.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 90
Illustrator: Kevin Zamir Goeke
Type: Character
Cost: 1
Military Skill: 0
Political Skill: 1
Glory: 1
Clan: Crane
Interrupt: When this character leaves play, choose a character you control – honor that character.
“He already thinks himself so talented... but there is potential there.”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 85
Illustrator: Agri Karuniawan
Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Scorpion
Earth role only.
Action: Dishonor a (friendly) Shinobi character. Choose a participating character – until the end of the conflict, that character gets –4[Military].
Action: Dishonor a (friendly) Shinobi character. Choose a participating character – until the end of the conflict, that character gets –4[Military].
Influence: 1
Deck: Conflict
Number: 98
Illustrator: Stanislav Dikolenko
Type: Event
Cost: 1
Clan: Unicorn
Action: Move a [Unicorn] character you control into a conflict or home from a conflict.
Action: Move a [Unicorn] character you control into a conflict or home from a conflict.
Influence: 1
Deck: Conflict
Number: 99
Illustrator: Wen Juinn
Type: Character
Cost: 1
Military Skill: 1
Political Skill: 1
Glory: 0
Clan: Phoenix
Shugenja. Void.
Reaction: After the conflict phase begins, choose a ring – until the end of the phase, this character gets +2[Military] and +2[Politics] while that ring is being contested.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 89
Illustrator: Christine Mitzuk
Type: Event
Cost: 1
Clan: Crane
Action: During a conflict, choose a participating character you control and a participating character your opponent controls – your character challenges the opponent’s character to a [Politics] duel. Honor the duel’s winner and dishonor the duel’s loser.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 93
Illustrator: Aaron Miller
Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: 2
Political Skill: 2
Glory: 2
Clan: Neutral
Courtier. Imperial. Scholar.
Fire role only.
Each other character gets +1 glory.
Each other character gets +1 glory.
“Only the most esteemed of samurai may use this library.”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 92
Illustrator: Florian Stitz
Type: Character
Cost: 4
Military Skill: 2
Political Skill: 4
Glory: 1
Clan: Unicorn
Shugenja. Water.
Reduce the cost by 1 to play each Meishōdō attachment on this character or a neutral character.
Reduce the cost by 1 to play each Meishōdō attachment on this character or a neutral character.
“I locked my heart away, my prince. I left it behind, that none could see it break.”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 91
Illustrator: Le Vuong
Type: Holding
Strength: +0
Clan: Crab
Each character you control gets +1[Military] and +1[Politics].
Forced Reaction: After the conflict phase begins – lose 1 honor.
Forced Reaction: After the conflict phase begins – lose 1 honor.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 84
Illustrator: Alvaro Calvo Escudero
Type: Attachment
Cost: 2
Bonus Military Skill: +0
Bonus Political Skill: –1
Clan: Scorpion
Air role only.
Reaction: After you play this attachment – dishonor attached character. Then, dishonor it again.
Reaction: After you play this attachment – dishonor attached character. Then, dishonor it again.
Influence: 1
Deck: Conflict
Number: 97
Illustrator: Felipe Gaona
Type: Character
Cost: 4
Military Skill: 4
Political Skill: 2
Glory: 2
Clan: Lion
Bushi. Cavalry. Commander.
Action: During a [Military] conflict, if you are more honorable than your opponent, choose a character you control – move that character to the conflict.
“You are a Unicorn without honor, just like your mother! You will fight me!”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 88
Illustrator: Cassandre Bolan
Type: Event
Cost: 2
Clan: Neutral
Action: Discard each status token.
“Shoshi ni kie.” – chant of the Perfect Land Sect
Deck: Conflict
Number: 100
Illustrator: Scott Wade
Type: Province
Strength: 4
Clan: Lion
Reaction: After this province is revealed, choose a non-unique character with no fate on it – discard that character.
Element: void
Deck: Province
Number: 81
Illustrator: Eli Ring
Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: 1
Political Skill: 1
Glory: 3
Clan: Scorpion
Bushi. Shadow. Shinobi.
While this character is dishonored, add its glory to its [Military] and [Politics] instead of subtracting it.
Beneath the mask of the shinobi, nothing.
Influence: 3
Deck: Conflict
Number: 96
Illustrator: Pavel Kolomeyets
Type: Character
Cost: 1
Military Skill: 1
Political Skill: 0
Glory: 1
Clan: Lion
Reaction: After honor dials are revealed, if your bid is lower than an opponent’s – draw 1 card. (Limit once per phase.)
“Chart us the fastest route through the city. We move at dawn.”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 87
Illustrator: Lin Hsiang
Type: Character
Cost: 3
Military Skill: 6
Political Skill: –
Glory: 0
Clan: Crab
Bushi. Berserker. Shadowlands.
This character cannot be declared as an attacker or defender.
Action: Sacrifice a (friendly) character – until the end of the phase, treat this character’s printed text box as if it were blank (except for Traits).
Action: Sacrifice a (friendly) character – until the end of the phase, treat this character’s printed text box as if it were blank (except for Traits).
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 83
Illustrator: Pavel Kolomeyets
Type: Character
Cost: 5
Military Skill: 4
Political Skill: 3
Glory: 3
Clan: Dragon
Monk. Tattooed.
Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating, choose a Monk, Tattoo, or Kihō card in your conflict discard pile – play that card as if it were in your hand. If it is an event, put it on the bottom of your conflict deck instead of into your discard pile after resolving its effects.
Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating, choose a Monk, Tattoo, or Kihō card in your conflict discard pile – play that card as if it were in your hand. If it is an event, put it on the bottom of your conflict deck instead of into your discard pile after resolving its effects.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 86
Illustrator: Pavel Kolomeyets
Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Dragon
KihÅ. Void.
Action: During a conflict, if you have played at least 2 other cards this conflict, choose a participating character with equal or lower [Military] skill than a participating Monk character you control – move the chosen character home and bow it.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 94
Illustrator: Jorge Matar