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Game of Thrones

The Bearded Clansmen - In Daznak's Pit
Oct 07 2018 12:00 AM |
in Card Spotlight
The Bearded Clansmen review In Daznak's Pit. Super awesome pack with a ton of fun cards, except those lame-o maesters.
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Find Competitive Play at Thrones-Tournaments.com
Jul 03 2018 12:00 AM |
in Game of Thrones
List of Second Edit Tournaments
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Must all men die?
May 19 2018 12:00 AM |
in Game of Thrones
18 months after the fact, what is the impact Valar Morghulis has had on the A Game of Thrones living card game Second Edition metagame?
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Insight and Renown S02E03 - What We Do in the S...
Apr 14 2018 12:00 AM |
in Game of Thrones
Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of AGoT? The shadows know! Join us this time as we take a look back at the Shadows mechanic, which has recently been announced as returning to the game's second edition. And as a bonus, see how many of the weird rulings we talk about you can correctly resolve!
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The Faith Militant Review: AGoT LCG
Apr 12 2018 12:00 AM |
in Strategy
Our staff has put together a first blush analysis of the newly released “Faith Militant†chapter pack. Answers to frequently asked rules questions can be found on the individual card pages on thronesdb.com. Cards are listed in numeric order and scored on a scale ranging from one through five, with five being the best possible score. Let us know in the comments how you feel about the cards in this pack!
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Sands of Dorne Review Part 2: A Game of Thrones...
Mar 31 2018 12:00 AM |
in Strategy
Our staff has put together a first blush analysis of the newly released “Sands of Dorne†deluxe box. Answers to frequently asked rules questions can be found on the individual card pages on thronesdb.com. Cards are listed in numeric order and scored on a scale ranging from one through five, with five being the best possible score. Let us know in the comments how you feel about the cards in this pack!
Now onto the reviews, starting with....
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Sands of Dorne Review: A Game of Thrones LCG De...
Mar 30 2018 12:00 AM |
in Strategy
Our staff has put together a first blush analysis of the newly released “Sands of Dorne†deluxe box. Answers to frequently asked rules questions can be found on the individual card pages on thronesdb.com. Cards are listed in numeric order and scored on a scale ranging from one through five, with five being the best possible score. Going forward, we’ll provide an average score for each card rather than a total. Let us know in the comments how you feel about the cards in this pack!
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