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Business First

  • You cannot add cards

 Palana Agroplex

Palana Agroplex

Type: Asset: Facility
Cost: 1
Faction: Corp Jinteki
Faction Cost: 2
When your turn begins, each player draws 1 card.
Expensive to build but dramatically more efficient than traditional farming, agroplexes are emblems of the inevitable corporatization of the food industry.
Trash: 5
Set: Business First Number: 31 Quantity:
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
 Palana Foods

Palana Foods

Type: Identity: Division
Faction: Corp Jinteki
The first time each turn the Runner draws a card, gain 1 [Credit] .
We Are What We Eat.
Minimum Deck Size/Influence Limit: 45/15
Set: Business First Number: 30 Quantity:
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
Advanced Assembly Lines

Advanced Assembly Lines

Type: Asset: Facility
Cost: 1
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Faction Cost: 2
When you rez Advanced Assembly Lines, gain 3 [Credit] .
[Trash] : Install a non-agenda card from HQ (paying the install cost). You cannot use this ability during a run.

Trash: 1
Set: Business First Number: 27 Quantity:
Illustrator: Johan Törnlund
CBI Raid

CBI Raid

Type: Event: Run - Sabotage
Cost: 3
Faction: Runner Criminal
Faction Cost: 2
Make a run on HQ. If successful, instead of accessing cards, the Corp adds all cards in HQ to the top of R&D in the order of his or her choice.
Designed by 2013 World Champion Jens Erickson
Set: Business First Number: 22 Quantity:
Illustrator: Mike Nesbitt
Corporate Sales Team

Corporate Sales Team

Type: Agenda: Expansion
Advancement Cost: 4
Faction: Corp Neutral
When you score Corporate Sales Team, place 10 [Credit] on it.
When each player’s turn begins, take 1 [Credit] from Corporate Sales Team.

“You got it. We sell it. They buy it. Everyone wins.”
Agenda Points: 2
Set: Business First Number: 37 Quantity:
Illustrator: Samuel Leung
Corporate Scandal

Corporate Scandal

Type: Event: Current
Cost: 3
Faction: Runner Neutral
Faction Cost: 1
This card is not trashed until another current is played or an agenda is scored.
The Corp has 1 additional bad publicity (even if they have 0).

We may be outraged, but we’re not surprised.” -Sunder
Set: Business First Number: 25 Quantity:
Illustrator: Micah Epstein
Disposable HQ

Disposable HQ

Type: Upgrade: Ambush
Cost: 0
Faction: Corp NBN
Faction Cost: 1
If Disposable HQ is accessed from R&D, the Runner must reveal it.
When the Runner accesses Disposable HQ, you may add any number of cards from HQ to the bottom of R&D.

Trash: 5
Set: Business First Number: 34 Quantity:
Illustrator: Simon Weaner


Type: Program: Virus
Cost: 1 Memory Units: 1
Faction: Runner Anarch
Faction Cost: 1
When Diwan is installed, choose a server. As an additional cost to install a card in or protecting that server, the Corp must pay 1 [Credit] .
Trash Diwan if the Corp purges virus counters.

Strength: -
Set: Business First Number: 21 Quantity:
Illustrator: Lili Ibrahim
EMP Device

EMP Device

Type: Hardware: Bomb
Cost: 1
Faction: Runner Anarch
Faction Cost: 4
[Trash] : The Corp cannot rez more than 1 piece of ice for the remainder of this run. Use this ability only during a run.
“No! Don’t set that off HERE!”
Set: Business First Number: 20 Quantity:
Illustrator: Maciej Rebisz


Type: ICE: Code Gate
Cost: 1
Faction: Corp Jinteki
Faction Cost: 1
[Subroutine] The Runner draws 3 cards and then discards down to his or her maximum hand size. [Subroutine] The Runner draws 3 cards and then discards down to his or her maximum hand size.
“We can help others, yet also help ourselves.” -Soraiya Suresh, VP Public Programs
Strength: 3
Set: Business First Number: 32 Quantity:
Illustrator: Ed Mattinian
Lakshmi Smartfabrics

Lakshmi Smartfabrics

Type: Asset
Cost: 1
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Faction Cost: 3
Whenever you rez a card, place 1 power counter on Lakshmi Smartfabrics.
X hosted power counters: Reveal an agenda worth X points from HQ. The Runner cannot steal copies of that agenda for the remainder of this turn.
Trash: 3
Set: Business First Number: 28 Quantity:
Illustrator: Caleb Souza
Mumbad Construction Co.

Mumbad Construction Co.

Type: Asset
Cost: 4
Faction: Corp The Weyland Consortium
Faction Cost: 3
When your turn begins, place 1 advancement token on Mumbad Construction Co.
2 [Credit] : Move 1 advancement token from Mumbad Construction Co. to a faceup card.

Trash: 3
Set: Business First Number: 36 Quantity:
Illustrator: Simon Weaner


Type: Hardware: Consumer-grade - Chip
Cost: 1
Faction: Runner Shaper
Faction Cost: 2
NetChip can host a program with a memory cost less than or equal to the number of copies of NetChip installed. The memory cost of the hosted program does not count against your memory limit.
Limit 6 per deck.

Set: Business First Number: 24 Quantity:
Illustrator: Mike Nesbitt
New Construction

New Construction

Type: Agenda: Public
Advancement Cost: 4
Faction: Corp The Weyland Consortium
Install New Construction faceup.
Whenever you advance New Construction, you may install a card from HQ in a new server (and rez that card ignoring all costs if there are 5 or more advancement tokens on New Construction).

Agenda Points: 2
Set: Business First Number: 35 Quantity:
Illustrator: Kirsten Zirngibl
PAD Factory

PAD Factory

Type: Asset: Alliance - Facility
Cost: 2
Faction: Corp Neutral
Faction Cost: 2
This card costs 0 influence if you have 3 PAD Campaigns in your deck.
[Click] : Place 1 advancement token on a card. You cannot score that card until your next turn begins.
Trash: 3
Set: Business First Number: 38 Quantity:
Illustrator: Caleb Souza
Populist Rally

Populist Rally

Type: Event
Cost: 2
Faction: Runner Neutral
Faction Cost:
Play only if you have at least 1 seedy card installed.
The Corp has 1 fewer [Click] to spend on his or her next turn.

“The corporations may be stronger than any of us, but they are not stronger than all of us.” -Akshara Sareen
Set: Business First Number: 26 Quantity:
Illustrator: Anna Edwards
Product Recall

Product Recall

Type: Operation: Alliance
Cost: 0
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Faction Cost: 2
This card costs 0 influence if you have 6 or more non-alliance Haas-Bioroid cards in your deck.
Trash a rezzed asset or upgrade. If you do, gain credits equal to its trash cost.

Set: Business First Number: 29 Quantity:
Illustrator: Antonio De Luca
Remote Data Farm

Remote Data Farm

Type: Agenda: Expansion
Advancement Cost: 4
Faction: Corp NBN
Your maximum hand size is increased by 2.
Data, not food, is one of the biggest exports from the Gujarat district of Mumbad.
Agenda Points: 2
Set: Business First Number: 33 Quantity:
Illustrator: Juan Novelletto
Tech Trader

Tech Trader

Type: Resource: Connection
Cost: 1
Faction: Runner Criminal
Faction Cost: 1
Whenever you use a [Trash] ability, gain 1 [Credit] .
“Why would you dispose of perfectly good evidence when you can sell it?”
Set: Business First Number: 23 Quantity:
Illustrator: Vicky Sio
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