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Zogwort's Curse

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Blight Grenades

Blight Grenades

Type: Attachment
Faction: Chaos
Traits: Wargear. Nurgle.
Cost: 1 Shields: 1

Attach to a Nurgle army unit.
Combat Action: Sacrifice this attachment to give attached unit Area Effect (2) until the end of the combat round.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 80 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: John Dotegowski
Blood Claw Pack

Blood Claw Pack

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Space Marines
Traits: Soldier. Space Wolves.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 2
Command Icons: 1

Reaction: After an enemy warlord commits to this planet, exhaust this unit to put a Space Wolves unit into play from your hand at this planet.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 72 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Matt Bradbury
Bloodied Reavers

Bloodied Reavers

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Vehicle.
Cost: 2
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 2
Command Icons: 1

No Wargear Attachments.
This unit gets +2 ATK while it is at a planet with a warlord.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 81 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Mariusz Gandzel
Crucible of Malediction

Crucible of Malediction

Type: Support
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Upgrade.
Cost: 1

Reaction: After you play a Torture event card, exhaust this support to look at the top 3 cards of a deck. Discard 1 of those cards, and place the remaining cards on top of that deck in any order.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 82 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Mariusz Gandzel


Type: Event
Faction: Chaos
Traits: Power.
Cost: 1 Shields: 1

Deploy Action: Deal X damage to a target enemy army unit. X is the amount of damage on that unit.
"This is our galaxy. Ours to corrupt. Ours to enslave. The gods will not be denied." -Xereth of the Black Legion

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 79 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Jacob Atienza
Gleeful Plague Beast

Gleeful Plague Beast

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Chaos
Traits: Daemon. Nurgle. Elite.
Cost: 5
Attack Value: 3
Hit Points: 5
Command Icons: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

No Wargear Attachments.
Forced Reaction: After the combat phase begins, deal 1 damage to each unit at this planet.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 78 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Dimitri Bielak
Guardian Mesh Armor

Guardian Mesh Armor

Type: Attachment
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Wargear. Armor.
Cost: 1 Shields: 1

Attach to an [Eldar] army unit.
Interrupt: When you use a shield card to prevent damage to attached unit, exhaust this attachment to double the number of shields on that card.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 85 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Aaron Riley
Heavy Marker Drone

Heavy Marker Drone

Type: Attachment
Faction: Tau
Traits: Drone.
Cost: 1 Shields: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Attach to an enemy army unit.
Double damage dealt to attached unit.

"Target is lit. Markerlight pulse pattern recognized. For the Greater Good, Seeker Missles are go." -Skyray Pilot

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 88 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Sam Lamont
Launch Da Snots

Launch Da Snots

Type: Event
Faction: Orks
Traits: Tactic.
Cost: 1 Shields: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Reaction: After an [Ork] unit you control is declared as an attacker, it gets +X ATK for that attack. X is the number of Snotlings tokens at the same planet as the attacking unit.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 71 Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Alberto Bontempi
Old Zogwort

♦ Old Zogwort

Type: Warlord Unit
Faction: Orks
Traits: Psyker. Oddboy.
Attack Value: 1
Hit Points: 7
Command Icons: 1

Starting Hand Size: 7
Starting Resources: 7

Reaction: After this warlord commits to a planet or is declared as an attacker, put a Snotlings token into play at this planet.
Forced Reaction: After the combat phase ends, destroy each Snotlings token in play.
“I meant to do dat.”

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 67 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Alberto Bontempi
Rally the Charge

Rally the Charge

Type: Event
Faction: Space Marines
Traits: Tactic.
Cost: 2 Shields: 1

Action: Until the end of the phase, a target [Space Marine] unit you control at a planet with your warlord gets +2 ATK for each command icon it has.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 73 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: GW Design Studio
Sa’cea XV88 Broadside

Sa’cea XV88 Broadside

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Tau
Traits: Soldier. Pilot. Elite.
Cost: 6
Attack Value: 4
Hit Points: 6
Command Icons: 3
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

This unit gains Area Effect (2) while it has 1 or more attachments.
A heavy battlesuit based off the same chassis as the Crisis Battlesuit, it is equipped with a bigger payload designed to destroy armored targets.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 86 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Andrius Anezin
Searing Brand

Searing Brand

Type: Event
Faction: Dark Eldar
Traits: Tactic. Torture.
Cost: 3 Shields: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Combat Action: Deal 3 unpreventable damage to a target non-warlord unit at a planet with your warlord. Your opponent may discard 2 cards to cancel this effect.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 83 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Nikolay Stoyanov
Secluded Apothecarion

Secluded Apothecarion

Type: Support
Faction: Space Marines
Traits: Location.
Cost: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

Reaction: After a [Space Marine] unit you control is destroyed, exhaust this support to gain 1[Resource].
A fallen Space Marine lives on through their geneseed, fueling the next generation of Adeptus Astartes.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 74 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Michał Miłkowski
Staging Ground

Staging Ground

Type: Support
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Location.
Cost: 1

Action: Exhaust this support to deploy a unit with cost 2 or lower at a planet.

Set: Zogwort Number: 77 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Zachary Graves
Steel Legion Chimera

Steel Legion Chimera

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Vehicle. Transport.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 2
Hit Points: 4
Command Icons: 1

No Wargear Attachments.
Reaction: After a non-Vehicle unit you control at this planet is assigned damage by an attack, prevent 1 of that damage.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 75 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Samuel R. Shimota
Tallarn Raiders

Tallarn Raiders

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Astra Militarum
Traits: Soldier. Tallarn.
Cost: 1
Attack Value: 0
Hit Points: 2
Command Icons: 1

This unit gets +2 ATK while it is at a planet with a warlord.
The Desert Raiders of Tallarn are experts at guerrilla warfare, striking in an instant before fading away.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 76 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Nicholas Kay
Tense Negotiations

Tense Negotiations

Type: Event
Faction: Tau
Traits: Tactic.
Cost: 1 Shields: 1

Action: Exhaust your warlord to trigger the Battle ability at the same planet as your warlord.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 87 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Damien Mammoliti
Vectored Vyper Squad

Vectored Vyper Squad

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Eldar
Traits: Vehicle. Alaitoc.
Cost: 4
Attack Value: 3
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Loyal Icon

No Wargear Attachments.
This unit gains Mobile while it is undamaged.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 84 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Sam Lamont
Wyrdboy Stikk

Wyrdboy Stikk

Type: Attachment
Faction: Orks
Traits: Wargear. Weapon.
Cost: 0 Shields: 3
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Attach to an Oddboy unit.
Reaction: After a Snotlings token is destroyed, exhaust this attachment to put a Snotlings token into play at a planet.

Set: Zogwort Number: 70 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Niten
Zogwort’s Hovel

Zogwort’s Hovel

Type: Support
Faction: Orks
Traits: Location.
Cost: 2
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Reaction: After your warlord is declared as a defender, put a Snotlings token into play at the same planet as your warlord.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 69 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Federico Musetti
Zogwort’s Runtherders

Zogwort’s Runtherders

Type: Army Unit
Faction: Orks
Traits: Oddboy.
Cost: 3
Attack Value: 1
Hit Points: 3
Command Icons: 1
Signature/Loyalty: Signature Icon

Interrupt: When this unit takes damage, put a Snotlings token into play at this planet.

Set: Zogwort's Curse Number: 68 Quantity: 4
Illustrator: Jeff Porter
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